Past : Accident

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Heeyoung:Omma,what is it?

Nari:Its about your appa,he's dead...


Nari:Don't you wanna see your appa?

Heeyoung:I don't actually care though..


Heeyoung:So,did appa leave some money for us..All of it are for me right?

Heeyoung gave a glare to her sister.

Nari:No,You need to share with your sister..

Hwayoung:No,Its okay..You can get all of it...

After the memorial,

Nari:Hwayoung-ah,you better clean the house everyday!!


'Serve you right' Heeyoung said to her sister.

Due to the memorial,they didn't want to eat some cake..

Nari:Why did you buy this cake?

Hwayoung:Omma,you told me to buy a cake..

Nari:uh... *gave all of it to Heeyoung*

The next day,

Hwayoung:Heeyoung-ah,wake up..Its already 7 am..


After a while,they eat breakfast.

Hwayoung:Omma,can I have a ride to school today?

Nari:Uhmm S-

Heeyoung:No..My friends will see you,my ugly sister..

Nari:Uhmmm...Yeah....What your sister said is right..


After finished breakfast,Hwayoung walk to school again as usual..

There are alot of people when she arrived..She tried to walk her best to her class,but she fell,She bump a guy..and saw it was Soohyun..

SooHyun:I'm sorry..I didn't saw you,are you okay?

Hwayoung:Yeah..I'm fine...

Then,Heeyoung came.

Heeyoung:Owh unnie...Are you okay? *faking*

Hwayoung:Yeah I am.

Soohyun:Then I'll be around okay,if you need any help..Bye..

After Soohyun went away,

Heeyoung:Hey..Don't go near SooHyun..And even fake your face into an angelic one..


Heeyoung:And don't even talk to him..Arraseo??Or do you wanna see me dead??

Hwayoung:Heeyoung-ah....Don't do that,we just lost our appa..

Heeyoung:I don't care...As long as Soohyun is mine!!Arraseo?


Eunmi saw this,and after Heeyoung's gone.She walk to Hwayoung..

Eunmi:Hwayoung,are you the oldest one or the younger one?You need to say something..More than 'It's okay','I'm fine' and 'uhm...' to your sister..

Hwayoung:I am the oldest one...No,its okay..As long as she act like I am her sister...

Eunmi:Hey!!Your little sister is a bitch!!She changed her voice and face when she saw you and Soohyun..Did your omma scold her before?She seems so slutty and bitchy..

Hwayoung:Uhmm..No,my omma never scold her,instead she scold me..

Eunmi:Your family are so weird...Your appa is dead,And now you treated your omma and sister like a princess?

Hwayoung:Eunmi,stop this...I don't want to talk bad about my family...Now,lets go our classroom..

After break time,

Heeyoung:Unnie!!Bring my book to my locker..

It was a big bundle of books..Hwayoung just obey her sister.She can't see anything because of the books that covered her..Then,

She fell with the books..Everyone laugh at her..Everyone except for SooHyun.

SooHyun:Are you okay?Do you want me to carry it for you?

Hwayoung:No,its okay..

SooHyun:Are you sure?

Hwayoung:Yes,I am..

SooHyun:Its okay..Let me help you..


Then SooHyun help her until they reach Heeyoung's locker..

Hwayoung:Okay...Just put it here..

SooHyun:Owh...Okay..Huhmm...Since I bring your books,do you want to have a date at the park tomorrow?

Hwayoung:Owh okay then..

Then SooHyun went away..While Heeyoung came to her..

Heeyoung:Yah!!How dare you talk to SooHyun oppa?Don't you ever try to meet him again..


At the end of school,

Soohyun:Hwayoung-ah,meet me tomorrow at 2 pm ok?

Hwayoung:Uhmm..Sorry I--

SooHyun:Don't say that...You said that you will come to meet me for a date earlier,so you need to go..Arraseo?

Hwayoung:Ok then..

SooHyun:Then I'll be going now..

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