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The doctor came out from Hyoyeon's room.

Yuri : Is she okay??

Doctor : She's fine.. She just need some rest.. It's good that her wound is not that deep..

Tiffany : How about Taeyeon??

Doctor : The other girl?? Owh.. She is still in the operating room with another doctor..

Tiffany : Owh..

Doctor : Fill both of this form, one for Taeyeon and one for Hyoyeon.. And then give it to that nurse..

Yuri : Oh... Kamsahamnida...

The doctor walk away..

Tiffany : Let's fill these up first...

Yuri and Tiffany walk to the table nearby..

Two nurse were pushing Hyoyeon's bed to her private room...

Nurse : Who wants to take care of her?

Kai : I am...

Kai raised his hands..

Kai : Do you want to accompany me??

He said to Baekhyun..

Baekhyun : It's fine.. I'll stay here..

Kai : Ok then.. I will text you later, if Hyoyeon haven't wake up yet.. Ok??

Baekhyun : Arasseo..

An hour past by...

Finally the doctor came out..

Doctor : Who's her guardian??

Baekhyun : It's us..

Doctor : I'm afraid that she might not wake up anymore..

Tiffany : What do you mean?? She will wake up soon, right??

The doctor remained quiet...

Yuri : She will be okay, right??

Doctor : She is still breathing.. But.... Her condition is really unstable...

Baekhyun : So??

Doctor : We will transfer her to a room but she needs someone to take care of her... One person per visit.. You can change with another person...

Yuri : But I promise Kai to visit Hyo...

Tiffany : I need to meet the rest of the members first.. They don't know the way here...

Yuri and Tiffany looked at Baekhyun..

Baekhyun : Yeah.. I will take care of her..

Doctor : Follow the nurse that will come out from the room to guide you...

Baekhyun : Okay..

The doctor walk away..

Yuri : Then.. I will visit Hyo first.. Text me later, Baek..

Tiffany : Me too.. I am going to meet them first...

Baekhyun was left behind and followed the nurse to Taeyeon's room...

Nurse : Take care of her... And here is a bell.. You need to ring it if there was a problem with her.. Okay?

Baekhyun : I know..

The nurse left...

It felt so awkward in the room...

Silent covered the air of the room and not a single movements from Baekhyun..

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