Ending : Fairytale

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Nine years later,

Yuri : Let's go!! She is waiting for us.. I bet she will be much more prettier than me...

Yuri grabbed Krystal's hand and run to the the bride's dressing room..

Suho : Yah!! Don't run.. My wife might fall...

Yuri : I know!!

Lay : Let's go.. The groom might be waiting for us too..

Suho : Aigoo.. I just remember that.. Hahaha.. He's all grown up now..

Lay : Just like you, two years ago..

Suho : And just like you, nine months ago..

Lay : Let's go.. By the way, where's your son?

Suho : With Heeyoung halmoni..

Lay : Oh..

Suho : You should try to have one too..

Lay : Uh?? She wouldn't even let me touch her..

Suho : Really?

Lay : Hahaha... I was just kidding.. We are still young.. So we don't want to have it first... She said that she want Hyoyeon to have one first..

Suho : You should have fight with Hyoyeon's husband first to get a kid first..

Lay : You think so?

Suho : Yes, you should... Hahaha..


Yuri and Krystal went into the dressing room..

Krystal : Jessica...

Jessica : Come here.. Both of you.. And let's take a picture with Hyo later.. She is preparing her hair now..

Taeyeon : Hyo.... What's your appetizer for your wedding??

Hyoyeon : You will know soon...

Taeyeon : I want to eat.. I am dying here..

Hyoyeon : Go ask your boyfriend to bring you some and maybe a marriage too..

Taeyeon : Nah.. I want to wait for a while.. I want to enjoy my life as single woman first.. Now give me some food, please??

Sooyoung : Here.. Share with me..

Taeyeon : Thank you our Sooyoungie.

Sooyoung : You shouldn't call me that.. I have two child to take care of now..

Taeyeon : Oh.. Where are they?? I want to meet my niece and nephew.....

Sooyoung : Suzy is with Sunny... They will come later.. And Kyuhyun is with my hubby..

Taeyeon : Speaking of you hubby, Kyungho.. Where is he??

Sooyoung : Helping Kai in the dressing room.

Jessica : Tae.. If you want a kid, you should get marry first..

Taeyeon : Yeah, right.. You are married already but you don't have any child yet..

Jessica : I just got married six months ago.. Baby won't just pop out..

Taeyeon : Hehehe...

Seohyun : Unnie, Kris oppa is calling for you.

Jessica : Okay.. Wait..

Taeyeon : Guess that your husband really did miss you..

Jessica : And where's your boyfriend??

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