Past : The years to come

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The next 20 years,

Hyerim:Omma!!It hurts!!

Hwayoung:Just wait...


Then,a baby come out..A baby girl..

Hyerim:Omma,I named this girl Oh Hyoyeon..She's very cute..Just like you,omma..


Hyerim:Omma,How I wish I can meet appa when I was born..

Her breathing gets heavier..

Hyerim:How I wish that appa was still alive..

Then, *Beep Beep* She died..

Hwayoung:Hyerim!!Hyerim!!Wake up!!Please don't die!! *cry* Please!!I don't want to be alone..I am getting old..How am I supposed to take care of this baby?

Hyerim was officially dead..

Hwayoung:This kid named Hyoyeon..

Hyoyeon cried..

Hwayoung:Baby,don't cry..You won't be alone..Ever..

After the memorial,

Hwayoung bring Hyoyeon to her house;a small house,a low quality and a rented house.

Hwayoung brought the baby inside and search for a box..

She opened the box..It was the necklace that SooHyun gave her before..And she put it on her granddaughter's neck..

Hwayoung:I am sure that you will be pretty just like the necklace..A bright star.And I hope you won't be like me..

Hyoyeon:Uh...Ah..Ah..(baby talk)..

Hwayoung:You are so cute..

- - - - - - - - - -

After she tucked Hyoyeon in her bed..

Hwayoung:Eunmi-ah,you said that you will help me...But now all of my family members are dead except for her...She looks just like me..How am I suppose to do this?I guess I am born unlucky...Huh?..Eunmi-ah..How I wish I was the one that died and not you....Eunmi-ah!!!!!

Then,Eunmi's soul came again..

Eunmi:I told you never say that you are unlucky..That baby girl,Oh Hyoyeon,will help you..And meet someone better for her..That what 'fate' means..Just let her have that necklace..Its hers,forever..

Then,it disappear..


Then Hyoyeon cried again..

Hwayoung:Oh..Don't cry...

- - - - - - - -

On the same day,

Yuna was breastfeeding her 4-month old son,Kim Jong In in their mansion's living room.

SooHyun:Wow..He looks just like me..

HyunJoong:Yes,appa...He will be handsome just like you...By the way appa,Is Yuna's omma your first love?You keep shouting for her name in your sleep..

SooHyun:No..She's not..My first love was Kwon Hwayoung..

HyunJoong:Wow..Then why did you marry Yuna's omma?

SooHyun:Because my first love left me,so I marry Yuna's Omma..Now,stop talking about the death..


- - - - - - - - - -

On the same day,

Heeyoung:Finally,our grandchild is here..Yeah..And her name is Kwon Yuri..Don't you see?Her face looks just like me..

Joonmyeon:Yes..I just hope that she won't have an attitude like yours when you turned 20.

Heeyoung:What did you just say?


Joonmyeon walk into the study room in their mansion..Yes,they are rich..

Joonmyeon:Eunmi,I don't actually know you..But today is your death date,right?I hope you will be fine..I think you don't need me anymore,right?I just want to see your soul again..It's been 20 years now..But you never talk to me..Well,can you talk to me now?I don't want my grandchild to be just like my wife..

But,Eunmi never came..

Joonmyeon:Yeah...I think you won't visit me anymore...Now..

Joonmyeon came out of the study room and went to the bathroom..


Five years later,

Hyoyeon:Halmoni,I want that ice cream..

Hwayoung:Hyo,you know that we need to save some money..

Hyoyeon:Halmoni!! *cry*

Then,Yuri came...

Yuri:Here,I bought two..My omma said that I can give you one...

Hyoyeon:Thank you...

Yuri:Well,Bye..My omma will be looking for me..

Hyoyeon:Owh okay...

Then Hyoyeon finished her ice cream..She was looking for the rubbish bin..While Hwayoung was looking at the advertisement for her to get a job..

Then Hyoyeon bump into someone and fell..

Kai:Oopss..I am so sorry..

He was about to help Hyoyeon up..But..

Yuna:Yah!!Don't help her..She's a girl that don't have any house..

Kai didn't help her just like what his mom said..And walk away,while looking at Hyoyeon which have a bruise on her hand..

Hwayoung:Oh...Hyoyeon..Are you okay?

Hyoyeon:Halmoni..Are we really a bad person to have a small house and a small amount of money...

Hwayoung:No..Money have one thing that it can't buy..It was love..So everytime we did something,you need to do it for love..

Hyoyeon:Then,Halmoni..I want to help you..So you can get a lot of love from me....So one day we can be rich,with full of love that surrounds us..Arraseo??

Hwayoung:Yeah...You can do that..But sometimes love can't be help,when you took the wrong path..

Hyoyeon:Halmoni,what are you talking about?


Hyoyeon:Now,lets search for a job for you,Halmoni..

Hwayoung:Let's go!!


Finally,the end of the past stories..Does it make sense now?Next will be the present..Yay!!..

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