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The next day,

Hyoyeon : Halmoni...I am going to school now..

Hwayoung : Wait,hyoyeon...Eat this first..

Hyoyeon : Halmoni,I'm fine..

Hwayoung : Hey..Your mom might scold me,if you don't eat anything..

Hyoyeon finally eat her breakfast..

And finally she went to school...

Hwayoung : Take care,hyoyeon..

Hyoyeon : ok ,halmoni...

She walk to school as usual..

A girl scared her from behind..

Girl : Bah!!

Hyoyeon : Oh my!!

Yuri : Yah!!Don't be afraid..It's just me..

Hyoyeon : You should greet people carefully, You don't need to scare them..

Yuri : Arraseo.. Please do not be mad at me..

Hyoyeon : I am not mad.. I am just ... Uh... It's fine..

Yuri hold her hand..

Yuri : Let's go to class now..

Hyoyeon : Okay..

A guy appeared in front of them..

Lay : Yuri, Can I borrow hyoyeon for a while??

Yuri : Why???

Lay : Just for a while..

Yuri : Okay..Don't touch her,okay??

Lay : I know...

Lay brought Hyoyeon near to the stairs...

Lay : Hyoyeon-ah...

Hyoyeon : Yes?? What do you want to talk about, Lay??

Lay : Hyoyeon-ah, Can I have a direction to your heart?? (A/N : My friends will know about this..This sentence made me cringe..Hahahha)

Hyoyeon :What does that mean?? Shouldn't you just tell me what it means??

Lay : You don't understand it??

Hyoyeon : Yes..I don't understand it..

Lay : Then ask your friends about it..Give me the answer once you know what it meant, okay??

Hyoyeon : Uh??

Lay walk away from her...

Hyoyeon still thinking about what the sentence meant until she arrived to her class..

Yuri : What did Lay talk to you about??

Hyoyeon : I don't know.. I don't understand it..

Yuri : What did he say?? Maybe I understand it...

Hyoyeon : Ok...Then he say 'Can I have a direction to your heart?'

Yuri cringed..

Yuri : Hahahaha...You don't know what it meant??

Hyoyeon : Yes..I don't know the meaning of the sentences..

Yuri : Hahaha..I never know that Lay is so ....uhm... romantic??

Hyoyeon : What does it meant??

Yuri : Yah..He likes you..

Hyoyeon : What??

Yuri : Why?? You don't like him??

Hyoyeon : Uhm...Actually, I like someone else..

Yuri : Kyah!! This girl has a crush on someone.... Who is it??

Hyoyeon : Uhm.. Uhm... Kai..

Yuri : You liked Kai?? What do you like about him??

Hyoyeon : Molla ~~

Hyoyeon blushed..

Yuri : Come on~~ Tell me..

Hyoyeon : I don't know.. But the more I see him,the more handsome he gets..

Yuri : Owh.. My friend is in love... Want me to hook the both of you up??

Hyoyeon : No.. It's okay...

Yuri : Are you sure?? There might be another person that would get him first, you know??

Hyoyeon : Yes.. I know..But I don't think he likes me back..

Yuri : You will never know,when you never try..

Hyoyeon : Really??

Yuri : Yes...Well now,I am going to the toilet first, okay??

Yuri walked to the toilet...

And cried in the toilet..A girl went up to her..

Girl : Yuri, Are you okay???

Yuri : Ah..Taeyeon.. What are you doing here??

Taeyeon : I want to to use the bathroom..

Yuri : Owh..

Taeyeon : Yuri-ah, why are you crying??

Yuri : I am not crying...

Yuri wipe her tears..She hoping that her tears would go away..

Taeyeon : Do you know about who Hyoyeon like??

Yuri : What??

Taeyeon : I knew about it before..

Yuri : What?? I am not crying about that..

Taeyeon : Yah!! Pabo!! You also like Kai ,right??

Yuri : what?? I like Kai?? No way..

Taeyeon : Yah! I am telling you this because you also like him, right??

Yuri :Ugh.. Okay... I like him, but I can't .. Hyoyeon also like him..

Taeyeon : Yuri-ah, you never gave up so easily before..

Yuri : So??? It's okay to give up sometimes..

Taeyeon : No...It's not...

Then the toilet felt silent..

Taeyeon : Yuri, the fight had just begun between you and Hyoyeon...

Yuri : What do you mean??

Taeyeon : The best woman win.. So you shouldn't give up... Be more competitive..

Yuri : Okay.. I will win.. In both acting and love..

Taeyeon : That's our Yuri...Fighting...

Yuri walked out of the toilet, leaving Taeyeon alone.. She walked back to the class..

Hyoyeon : What took you so long, Yuri??

Yuri : Nothing.. I am just tired.. And I just talked to Taeyeon about the practice later...

Hyoyeon : Oh..Then did you decide on the song already??

Yuri : No.. We will decide it later..

Hyoyeon : Okay.. I am ready here..

Yuri : Hahahaha.. You're the best..

Then Kai walked into the class..

Kai : Hyoyeon!!

Hyoyeon : Hahaha... Don't call my name like that...

When both of them laughing, Yuri stay silent..But she talked to herself..

'I will get him first, Kim Hyoyeon..'


So did you guys think that Taeyeon is a nice girl or a bad girl in this story??

Ohh...The fight had just begun...

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