Can't hide it

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Jessica couldn't sleep that night, she was thinking about what should she tell to Hyoyeon..

The next day,

Tiffany : Hyoyeonie....

Hyoyeon : Yes??

Tiffany : Where's Sica??

Hyoyeon : Huh?? There she is..

Both of them are looking at the girl that just walked into the room....

Jessica : Fany... Can I borrow Hyoyeon for a while??

Tiffany : Why?? Do you have a secret behind me??

Jessica : Well...

Jessica throw her bag to her table and bring Tiffany and Hyoyeon to the toilet.

Jessica : Hyo, you... Don't believe in anything that Yuri and Taeyeon said. Ok??

Hyoyeon : Why??

Jessica : Gah~~ I can't hide it anymore... Yuri.. She also likes Kai.. And she will do anything to get him away from you...

Tiffany : Why can't she tell that to us??

Jessica : Molla~~

Hyoyeon just kept quiet...

Tiffany : What will you do now, Hyo??

Hyoyeon : Guys.. Should I just back off??

Tiffany : Why??

Hyoyeon : I don't know... But Yuri and Kai would fit with each other..

Jessica : Yah!! Why are you giving up??

Hyoyeon : Then what can I do??? I don't want to ruin our friendship just because of having the same crush.. I don't want Yuri to ignore me, she was my first friend here and she was the one that introduce me to all of you..

Jessica : Then we will do it in a friendly way~~~

Tiffany : How???

Jessica : * whisper * * whisper *

Tiffany : That's jjang!!

Hyoyeon : Yes!! Let's go to class now..

They went to class and stay seated...

SooYoung just came.

SooYoung : Hey guys....

Tiffany : Hey...

SooYoung : So where's the others??

Tiffany : They haven't come yet...

SooYoung : This is the first time I came earlier than Seohyun!! Yay!!

Jessica : Hahahaha...

SooYoung : So what's happening??

Jessica : Competition is three days away and we still have our practice going on later at the dance studio..

SooYoung : And that's all??

Tiffany : Why?? What do you want??

SooYoung : Have more fun... Like talking and laughing..

Hyoyeon : Hahahahaha...

SooYoung : That's better... So what's new?? Any secrets to share??

Jessica : No..

SooYoung : Are you sure??? Because I am smelling something fishy here..

Then, Yuri arrived to the classroom...

SooYoung : Annyeong, Yuri..

Yuri : Annyeong.. So who's not here??

Sooyoung : Yoona, Seohyun, Taeyeon, and Sunny..

Yuri : Owh... Okay.. I'm going somewhere for a while..

Sooyoung : Okay...

Yuri walked out of the classroom..

Jessica : Ah... We need to start it now..

SooYoung : What do you mean?? Are you hiding something from me??

Tiffany : Fine then.. *whisper*

SooYoung : Okay.... I'm so ready for it..

Hyoyeon : Lets go!!

Earlier that day, before Yuri came to school.

Heeyoung : Yuri,come out!!Breakfast ready....

Yuri : Wait for a while...

Heeyoung saw a pink book which she think that the book belong to Yuri..

She open the book and read a few pages of the book..

It is so weird that halmoni's sister look the same as Hyoyeon...

'Hyoyeon.. Who is Hyoyeon??' Heeyoung thought to herself..

She open another page of the book..

I need to eliminate Hyoyeon.. I want Kai all by myself.. She can't get him away from me..

'Wait... This looks the same as 60 years ago.. Hyoyeon had the same face as Hwayoung, Is Hyoyeon the girl that I met at Starbucks?? Kai, Is he a boy that look the same as SooHyun?? I need to stop Yuri now...' Heeyoung thought.

Yuri : Halmoni??

Heeyoung : ah.. Let's go down and eat..

Yuri : Did you read my book??

Heeyoung : No.. I am just loving the cover of the book.. Pink with butterflies.. Free to fly like your personality.. So don't try to hide.. Tell me something if you need to.. Don't make a decision on your own.. You might go to the wrong path.. Understand??

Yuri : Yes, halmoni... Well, let's go eat now...

Heeyoung : Ok...

They went down the stairs and sat at the dining chair...

Heeyoung : Yuri, suho.. Is it fine for me to take a look at your school and some of your friends??

Yuri was shocked by the words that her grandmother just said, and froze..

Suho : It's okay, halmoni.. I am going to introduce you to EXO..  And Yuri can introduce you to SNSD...

Heeyoung : That would be lovely... I will come later during lunch time.

Yuri : Actually, that would make us uneasy..

Suho : It's fine.. It won't make us leave the school for doing that...

Yuri : Ah... Yeah.... Then it's fine...

Back to the present...

Yuri went to the toilet alone..

' Something must be wrong... Why did halmoni want to meet my friends now?? Why is everything must be like this... No one wants me to be with Kai?? What's so good about Hyoyeon?? I am better than her... And will be better than her, right?? ' Yuri said to herself...


So how's the update?? The grandparents' are coming out now... There will be a competition soon..

Would Heeyoung, Hwayoung and SooHyun told them about it?? Or not?? Will someone change Yuri's mind?? Will Taeyeon change?? What's the plan that Jessica told them about?? Will Hyoyeon really back off if the plan did not work??

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