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Tiffany and Sooyoung ran back to Taeyeon's room..

Baekhyun : Hey.. What's the problem?? Why are you running??

Tiffany : Taeyeon...

Tiffany said to Taeyeon, who was sitting on the bed..

Tiffany : Did you get the knife from the chef?? Why did you do that?? You even work a part-time job there for a while right?? Before you met Hyo.. Right??

Taeyeon was smiling when Tiffany called for her name.. But it soon fade away when Tiffany told about the knife and the chef..

Sooyoung : Why did you do that??

Taeyeon : Uhm... I didn't..

Tiffany : Don't lie to us.. Kim Taeyeon..

Taeyeon : Just bring me to Hyo's room.. Please.. I'll explain there..

Sooyoung : Baek.. Get the wheel chair.. She's still pale and I think she could not walk very fast now..

Baekhyun : Okay..

Taeyeon : Thank you..

Baekhyun found the wheel chair..

Taeyeon sit on the wheel chair, after being helped by Tiffany and Sooyoung..

Baekhyun : Let's go..

Baekhyun push the wheel chair..

Finally they arrive at Hyoyeon's room...It was quiet far.. Because Taeyeon's room was at then critical section, while Hyoyeon was at the normal section..

Tiffany : Knock knock.... Hehehheheh

Sooyoung : Hey guys.. Good news.. Taeyeon is awake now..

Everyone were in the room..

Sunny : Oh.. Taeyeon!! It's good that you are okay now..

Hyoyeon : Hi.. Tae... Come here...

Baekhyun push Taeyeon's wheel chair near to Hyoyeon's bed..

Kai : I think we should leave them for a while... Huh??

Kai gave a sign to the rest of them and they walked out..

Leaving Taeyeon and Hyoyeon alone in the room....

Taeyeon : I am sorry that I am the one to make you into this suicide thingy.. I am so sorry...

Hyoyeon : Don't say sorry.. It's fine... We were once bestfriend right?? We promise each other that if one of us got reject,we need to do the same thing together right??

Taeyeon : How can you --- could you remember??

Hyoyeon : I remember it.. When I was sleeping earlier..


Hyoyeon was sleeping on the bed...

Hyoyeon : Taeyeon... You... Taeyeon...

Kai : Wake up, Hyo... What are you dreaming about??

Hyoyeon sprung up.. And rub her eyes....

Hyoyeon : Bring me to Taeyeon.. Now...

Kai : Why?? She is in the surgery room right now..

Hyoyeon : What?? It's all my fault..

Yoona and Sunny came in..

Sunny : You woke up... Hyo..

Yoona : But why are you in a bad mood, huh??

Hyoyeon : Bring Tae here...

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