Practice & Prom

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It is time for the practice... They went to a dance studio which they rent for today...

Taeyeon : Then, which song do you want to dance with during the competition?? And we need three songs to sing and dance with.. So,what did you choose??

Yuri : What if we made a composed song, huh?

Tiffany : Wow!! That's a good idea.. We have 9 members, so spread out into three groups and composed one song, ok?

Seohyun : Ok..

TaeTiSeo in a group,SunYoonYul in a group and SooHyoSic in another group..

Tiffany : I want to composed a cute song....

Yuri : Then I'll compose a bit sexy song..

Hyoyeon : And we will composed a hip hop kinda song..

Taeyeon : Ok then.. Start your work right now..And if it finished earlier we will go to a studio and record it.. So we can just start practicing tomorrow, ok?

Sooyoung : Okay.. I am ready for this..

After 2 hours of composing and dividing the member's part..They finally went to the studio and had the song recorded..

It was already 11 pm..

Everyone went back home..

Hyoyeon : Halmoni~~

Hwayoung : Uh..How's the practice?? Go get bath and go get some sleep..

Hyoyeon : It's very fun.. Okay..

The next day,

Hyoyeon arrived at the school..

Tiffany came to her..

Tiffany : Yah... Do you know that we will have a prom tomorrow??

Hyoyeon : No..

Tiffany : Since I just told you, want to join??

Hyoyeon : No.. I don't have any dress and I don't even have a partner..

Tiffany : We will buy it later before going to the practice..

Hyoyeon : But I don't have any money..

Tiffany : Yeah.. I know that since Sica and Soo told me about it yesterday...

Hyoyeon : HUH?

Tiffany : It's okay.. I won't tell anybody else about it and about the guy you like..

Hyoyeon : Fany!!

Tiffany : What??

Hyoyeon : Please don't tell anyone about this...

Hyoyeon bowed to her..

Tiffany : Yah!! You are not my slave, You're my friend... So I wouldn't tell anyone about it... And stand up, people might think that I am punishing you or something..

Hyoyeon : Ok.. Gomawo, fany-ah..

Tiffany : Of course... That' what friends are for, right???

Hyoyeon : Yes.. Gomawo again...

Tiffany : hahaha... And who knows about it, huh??

Hyoyeon : I think it's only you, sica, yuri, tae and soo...

Tiffany : Really??

Hyoyeon : Yes.....

Tiffany : Owh...Then will you ask him to be your date at the prom??

Hyoyeon : Maybe I will... maybe I won't..

Tiffany : yah..That's a good chance already...

Hyoyeon : Yeah...I hope so..

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