Once again...

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Heeyoung : Omma.. Where's unnie??

Nari : She will be fine.. The doctor said that she will be fine.. She's in surgery now...

Hyoyeon was looking at the corridor.. And saw Yuri who looks like she just had cried by her swollen face and her swollen eyes...

Yuri walked near her.... And gave a smile.. A sincere one, this time..

Yuri : I am so sorry...

Hyoyeon : It's fine..

Yuri : I am so---

But Yuri cannot let her sentence coming out and felt into tears..

Yuri and Hyoyeon hugged each other..

Yuri : I am so sorry that I am the one causing this to happen.. I am a bad luck to our family..

Soohyun and Kai just arrived at the hospital..

Soohyun : Come.. Join me...

Kai : Ok...

Kai felt his heart was beating so hard...

Soohyun : Are you okay?

Kai : I don't know... Why am I even feeling nervous??

Soohyun : It will be fine..

Kai saw Hyoyeon at the corridor from a distance..

Soohyun : Hwayoung?? Wow.. You still look so young..

Soohyun said to Hyoyeon..

Hyoyeon : Uhm.... Ahjussi??

Soohyun : You don't remember me???

Joonmyun hit his head...

Joonmyun : Pabo.. She is not Hwayoung... Hwayoung is still inside..

Soohyun : Then who is this??

Hyoyeon : I am Hyoyeon, halmoni's granddaughter...

Soohyun : Where's your mother??

Hyoyeon : She--

Heeyoung : Stop asking the girl..

Hyoyeon : It's fine..

Hyoyeon looked like she wanted to cry, but she hold it in..

Hyoyeon : My mom---- She died.. Leaving me and haalmoni behind..

Soohyun : Your father??

Hyoyeon : Halmoni doesn't really talk about my father.. She said that he left us a few months before I was born...

The doctor came out from the room.

Heeyoung : How is she??

Doctor : She's doing fine.. She needs some rest and then you can visit her...

Heeyoung : Thank you, Doc..

The doctor walked away...

Heeyoung : Hyo,Yul.. Go eat at the hospital canteen first.. We'll meet you there...

Both of them went to the canteen..

Yuri : Hyo... I am so sorry... I didn't know that you only have a grandmother and little money... I actually thought that you were a rich girl due to your action.. You look happy everyday..

Hyoyeon : Yeah?? Halmoni said that it's better to smile eventhough that you are hurting on the inside... It's what she always do...

Yuri : Did your halmoni said something about the past??

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