What's happening??

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After a few minutes,Hyoyeon and Kai finally finished dancing...

Tiffany : What a great dance earlier, Hyo...

Hyoyeon : Hahahaha.. Thank you..

Jessica : Now, you have more chance to be with him, huh??

Sooyoung : Hahaha.. Sica, and when yours?

Jessica : What?? Maybe he don't even likes me...

Tiffany : You'll never know when you never try..

Jessica : Hahaha.. It's not funny..

Hyoyeon, Sooyoung and Tiffany laugh..


Baekhyun : Yuri, can I borrow Taeyeon for a while??

Taeyeon made a face like 'please-don't-leave-me-with-him'

Yuri : Of course, you can...

Baekhyun : Thank You...

Yuri : Have fun..

Baekhyun brought her far from the others..

Baekhyun : Tae, I think we need to talk here...

Taeyeon : What should we talk about???

Baekhyun : Are you getting your revenge on Yuri and Hyoyeon, so that they can't like Kai??

Taeyeon : What are you talking about??I didn't do anything.. It's their choice to pick the right decision and it is not me...

Baekhyun : Yah!! I hope you forgot everything... I am so sorry..

Taeyeon : Sorry doesn't mean anything..

Taeyeon walked away from him..

'Owh...Is this what made her changed??I need to talk to Baekhyun' - A girl.

A girl : Baek, I think you need to tell me about what happened to Taeyeon.. Please?? She changed...Please tell me... What's happening??

Baekhyun : Fany-ah.. I am so sorry, but..

Jessica and Sooyoung walk to them and heard their conversation..

Jessica : But what?? What happened to Taeyeon??

-Flashback to five days ago-

Taeyeon : Ba-Baekhyun...

Baekhyun : Yes??

Taeyeon : Want to be my date for the school prom??

Baekhyun : Sorry... But I already have a date with for the prom...

Taeyeon : Owh ok..

Baekhyun felt sorry for it... He kept on looking at her face...

Taeyeon : I'll be going now..

Baekhyun : I am sorry..

Taeyeon : It's fine..

Taeyeon ran away from him...

-End of flashback-

Baekhyun : After that day, she never spoke to me until today....

Jessica : You just broke my friend's heart...

Baekhyun : What do you mean???

Tiffany : We usually told each other about who we like... And you just broke her heart now...

Baekhyun : I am so sorry..

Sooyoung : It's fine... Taeyeon is not the one who like to be mad at a person for more than five days..

Baekhyun : Owh.. Okay..

Jessica : Then I'll be going with Hyoyeon now...

Hyoyeon get a drink..

Jessica : Hey...

Hyoyeon : Hey.. What's going on??

Jessica : Nothing.. Why???

Hyoyeon : Owh.. Why did Yuri and Taeyeon ignored me today??

Jessica : Huh?? What do you mean??

Hyoyeon : Earlier they went to get a drink.. I was about to talk to them, But they ignored me...

Jessica : Well, that's weird.. They didn't ignored us... Something is wrong here.. And we need to find it out..

Hyoyeon : So what are we gonna do??

Jessica : *whisper* *whisper*

Hyoyeon : Well, that's a good idea..

Jessica : So lets meet Tiffany and Sooyoung first...

Hyoyeon : Okay, miss..

Jessica : Don't call me that... It feels like I am old..

Hyoyeon : Hehehehe....Sorry...

Jessica : Now lets go find them..

*Both of them walked towards the girls near the dance floor*

Jessica : Sooyoung-ah...

Sooyoung : Yes??

Jessica : Do you know anything about Yuri and Taeyeon?? Why are they ignoring Hyoyeon??

Sooyoung : Molla~~ Don't ask me... Try and ask Fany..

Jessica : Fany.....

Tiffany : Yes.. What are you talking about??

Jessica : Is something wrong with Yuri?? I know that Taeyeon is kinda in a bad mood..But what is happening to Yuri??

Tiffany : I don't know...

Jessica : Then it means that I need to find it out...

Hyoyeon : Want me to help you??

Jessica : It's fine...I want to be a detective too... *pout*

Hyoyeon : Arraseo then.. Good luck..

After the prom ends,

Hyoyeon, Sooyoung and Tiffany went back home together..But Jessica was waiting for Taeyeon and Yuri..

Jessica saw the both of them walking together..

Taeyeon : So are you going to get Kai away from Hyoyeon now??

Yuri : Ofcourse.. I learned about it from a website..

Taeyeon : When will you start it??

Yuri : When Hyoyeon is not nearby a.k.a right now...

Taeyeon : But Kai is not here...

Yuri : Hahaha....And of course when Kai is nearby me...So the plan can start...

Jessica was shocked by their conversation...

She closed her mouth with her due to the shock...

'Oh My God... I need to tell Hyoyeon about this' Jessica thought..

After that she walked normally to not get caught by them and went home...

'Oh no.. I just into a trouble' Jessica thought to herself..


Finally updated!! I am so busy this week,eventhough it's a holiday..I have so many homeworks to do...And school is starting tomorrow...Ugh....

But yeah, What will happen to Jessica??Will she actually tell it to Hyoyeon??

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