Knowing the past

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Yuri : Hyoyeon?? Why are you here?? What's happening here???

Joonmyun : Yuri.. Suho.. Calm down... And take a seat.. We are having a family dinner....

Both of them walked to the nearest chair..

Before Yuri sat on the chair,she said "Family?? I never knew that she was a part of our family" Yuri glared at Hyoyeon and Hwayoung,and continue, "Did you adopt a new daughter,great grandmother?"

Heeyoung : Yuri!! Sit down...

Yuri hesitate to sit on the chair..

Heeyoung : Now.. Sit down, young lady..

Yuri finally sit down when she was scold by Heeyoung...

Heeyoung : Uh-uhm.. What I was about to say is that--

She was cut off by Nari.

Nari : It's better for me to explain this..

Heeyoung : Omma!!

Nari : Then I will tell them half of the story, and you can continue later..

Heeyoung nodded which gives a sign to Nari..

Nari : First, this is Hwayoung and Hyoyeon...

Yuri : I know that..

Nari : Listen!! Hwayoung was actually my another daughter,the other girl that was on the picture.. And Hyoyeon here,was my great grandchild which I haven't met for a long time ago..

Yuri : Can you get straight to the point?

Nari : I was the one who helped Heeyoung to kill Hwayoung but she was not killed, instead Taehyung which was her husband helped her and move far away from here... Because of a stupid one sided love that your grandmother have before..

Yuri : Abbeoji!! Who was that guy that was making all of this?? Why is it not you?

Joonmyun : That guy was Kim Soo Hyun.. And I was also helping your grandmother for her plan by using my car..

Heeyoung : And Kim Soo Hyun was .... Kim Jong In's grandfather..

Hyoyeon, Yuri and Suho looked worried..

Suho : Jong In?? As in Kai??

Heeyoung didn't say anything..

Suho : Halmoni!! Answer me!! Is it Kai , my classmate and was a part of EXO?? Halmoni!!

Heeyoung : Ye--Yes... That's why I went to your school to meet him and Hyoyeon..

Yuri : Uh!! Hahaahaha.... So what do you actually want to say?? Is our fate the same?? Huh?? Hyoyeon likes Kai??

Hyoyeon : I believe that you already know that...

Yuri : Ugh!! I don't want to share my love to Kai with you, understand??

Hyoyeon : But you--

Yuri : I was trying to use you so that I can know more about Kai..

Suho : Why don't you ask me??

Yuri : Because if you knew about it earlier, you might annoyed me about it..

Yuri walked faster and slammed her bedroom door..

Suho : I think I need to talk to her.... Thank you for the food..

Joonmyun held his hand..

Joonmyun : No matter what happen.. Don't follow my footstep... You might hurt someone that you might love someday....

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