Meeting each other

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During lunch time,

Suho : Yuri, halmoni will arrived now.. I will wait for her..

Yuri : Ok.. I will gather EXO and SNSD here.

Suho waited for Heeyoung.. While, Yuri went to gather SNSD and EXO...

Yuri : Kai, call EXO to meet me and suho at the cafetera.

Kai : Ok..

Yuri run to their classroom..

Yuri : Let's go to the cafeteria together.. I have someone for you to meet..

Jessica : Who is it??

Yuri : You'll see later... Come on, guys....

Tiffany : Ok!!

All of them arrived at the cafeteria. Suho finally arrived with Heeyoung..

Yuri : Ok, guys.. This is my grandmother...

Tiffany : She looks like you, Yuri..

Yuri : Thank you... It's the genes.. Suho looked like our grandfather..

Jessica : Wah!!! It looks so unreal...

Heeyoung : Annyeong.. Don't be too formal to me.. Just call me halmoni..

All : Yes, halmoni..

Heeyoung : Yuri, mind to introduce them one by one.

Yuri : Okay... This is Hyoyeon...

Heeyoung : Annyeong.. Owh... Is there anyone named Hwayoung in your family??

Hyoyeon : Yes..

Heeyoung : Who is she???

Hyoyeon : My halmoni..

Heeyoung : Oh..

Yuri introduced all of the SNSD members.. And it is turn for Suho to introduce EXO..

Suho : This is Kai..

Heeyoung : Wah... You are so handsome.. How old are you, kid??

Kai : 20..

Heeyoung : Oh..

Heeyoung kept asking questions until it finished..

Heeyoung : Well, I better go now.. It's nice to meet you all.. Yuri and Suho, you found a great friend..

Yuri : Thank you, Halmoni...

Heeyoung walk into the car...

Heeyoung : Hide and wait in the secret area... We will follow that girl, Hyoyeon..

Driver : Yes,ma'am.

Three hours later,

Hyoyeon walked home first before going to the dance studio..

Heeyoung followed her closely from behind... They stopped at a small broken house..

Heeyoung : This is not where Hwayoung live, right??

Hyoyeon walk inside the house..

Heeyoung ring the bell to the house.

Someone : Hyo, open the door..

Hyoyeon : Wait... I am changing my clothes right now...

Someone : Then I will open the door...

Someone open the door with a smile which soon fade away after she saw Heeyoung..

Heeyoung : Hwayoung??

Hwayoung : I am sorry.. I think you had mistaken..

Heeyoung : Hwayoung.. I am so sorry about the past... Can I talk to you for a while??

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