Past : In love?

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The next day,at 2 pm.



Hwayoung:So what should we do now?

SooHyun:Lets go to the jewelery store..


SooHyun:Come on,lets go..

At the store,

SooHyun:Hwayoung,this necklace fits you perfectly,why don't you try it?

Hwayoung:Uhm,That's expensive..I can't afford to buy it..

SooHyun:Just try it..I will buy it for you..


SooHyun:Its okay..

They look at the matching ring of the store..

SooHyun:Hwayoung-ah,Isn't this ring lovely?

Hwayoung:Yup,you can give it to your girlfriend..

SooHyun puts the one of the ring to Hwayoung's finger and one for his finger..

SooHyun:See,it fits..

Hwayoung:Shouldn't you give to your girlfriend?

SooHyun:Then you are my girlfriend..

Due to that,Hwayoung blush..

SooHyun:Hahaha...You like it?Uhm??


SooHyun:I know you like it..


SooHyun:Just say that you like me...You like me right?


SooHyun:Because I like you..

That even made Hwayoung blush even more..

SooHyun:It's okay..Lets buy these..A necklace and a ring for you and another ring for me..


Then,they went back home.

Hwayoung hid the necklace and the ring in her pocket.Then,she walk in..

Heeyoung slapped her..

Heeyoung:Yah!!I already said that you can't go out with SooHyun oppa!!Did he buy you anything?!Give it to me!!

Hwayoung:No,I don't...

Heeyoung:Really?!I saw that you and oppa went to the jewelery store,uh?Did you buy anything?


Heeyoung:Then its better that way..If I caught that you and SooHyun oppa went out again..Just watch me!!Your live will be more painful!!Arraseo?




Hwayoung gets alot of beating from her sister that night...She got alot of bruises on her face..

The next day,

Hwayoung walk to school-again..

Alot people talk about her..She walk to the main hall and heared about what they said to their friends..

A girl:Her face are weird today..Serve her right..How could she talk and hang out with SooHyun,huh?

A boy:That girl seems pathetic..How could she date SooHyun..She will get more of that later on..Why don't she date us?

Another:That girl is a bitch..She date with SooHyun oppa..

Hwayoung nearly fainted when they talk bad about her..

When she was about to fall,a guy help her..No,its not SooHyun...And everything turn silent.

A boy:Hey,are you alright?


A boy:Oh...I am Oh Taehyung..Nice to meet you..

Hwayoung:Owh ok..Taehyung..

Then she heard that people talk about her again..

A girl:That girl plays with boys heart,you know?First,its SooHyun oppa,now its Taehyung oppa..She's a slut..

Another girl:She's always like that..She pretend to be innocent when she's not..

Yet another girl:I thought that she was a silent-type kind of girl..But no..She's not..She's a player too,huh?

Hwayoung put her head down..

Taehyung:Yah!!Its okay,don't mind them..They are always like that..

Hwayoung:Ah..Okay...I am going to my class now..

Taehyung:Then,I'll follow you..

Hwayoung:It's okay..

Taehyung:Yah..My class was next door to your clas..

Hwayoung:Owh ok..

Then both of them arrive..

Hwayoung:Thank you,Taehyung..

Taehyung:It's okay..

When she walk to her class,

Eunmi:Hey,I heard that you talk to Taehyung today...

Hwayoung:Yeah..I did..

Eunmi:Both of you look good together..


Eunmi:Yeah,I know...You like SooHyun,right?I read your diary that day..


Eunmi:Wow!!This is so interesting..A love triangle just like the movies..


Eunmi:I know that you actually like it..By the way,what's that ring? *pointing at her ring*

Hwayoung:Uh..SooHyun gave it to me yesterday..

Heeyoung heard about the ring from outside,since Hwayoung and Eunmi talk near to the window..

'Huhmm...You are so dead..Kwon Hwayoung...You are so dead...Muahahahaha' Heeyoung talk to herself..


Double update today!!!

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