Past : This love

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After the school ends,

They went home..

Hwayoung just came home..

Then *Plak* Heeyoung slap her again..

Heeyoung:Yah!!Give me the ring!!Give it to me!!

Hwayoung:What??What ring??

Heeyoung: *Points to the ring on her finger* That one..SooHyun gave it to you right?So you better give it to me..Give it!!Or I will slap you again..

Hwayoung just played with the ring..She don't want to give it to Heeyoung..

So Heeyoung grabbed and pulled her hair...Then Hwayoung gave it to her..

Heeyoung:Hahhahaha..Good girl....

What Heeyoung doesn't notice was the necklace that she wore beneath her school uniform..

Nari:Wow!!Your sister is better than me..I should do that too..Now,wash the clothes...All of it..And the chores..

Hwayoung:Arraseo omma..

After Hwayoung finished the chores,she nearly faint..So she was fast asleep..

The next day,

Taehyung:Are you okay?Your face are getting worse and you got an eyebag..Did you sleep well?

Hwayoung:Yup..I am.. *fake smile*

Taehyung:Yah..Don't fake a smile...I knew that you were faking a smile..

Hwayoung:No,I'm not..

Taehyung:Yeah you are..Your real smile are much more prettier than your fake smile..

Hwayoung:Hahaha...No,I'm not..

Taehyung:Hwayoung,who do you like?

Hwayoung:SooHyun???I think...He made me blush every single day..

Taehyung:Wow..This is your first time talking more than 1-2 words...You must have really like him..

Heeyoung saw them together..

Heeyoung:This girl..Really like to play huh?Why do you talk to handsome people from our school?While I'm not?

Taehyung:Huhmm,Hello...You must be Hwayoung's little sister,Heeyoung...Right?

Heeyoung:Yes..Why?Are you interested at me? *touching her hair*

Taehyung:Hum..Sorry..You have a pretty face but you have an attitude like a bitch..Wait..Should I say a 'bimbo' for that?


Hwayoung pulled Taehyung from Heeyoung,while Heeyoung stomped her feet,groan and drag her feet to the class..

Hwayoung:Why did you do that?

Taehyung:She's a bitch..How could both of you a twins??Both of your personality are different..

Hwayoung:Hello?We are unidentical twins...

Taehyung:Yeah,I just forgot about that..Hahaha..Well,I better get to class..

Taehyung leave,then a hand grab Hwayoung's hand.

Hwayoung look back and it was SooHyun..

SooHyun:Where's the ring?And why did your sister wear it?Did she get it from you?What happen to your face?And these eye-bag?

Hwayoung:Yeah..She got it from me...My face..Huh..It's fine..But atleast I still have the necklace..

SooHyun:Really?You still have it?


SooHyun:So are we official?

Hwayoung:What do you mean?

SooHyun:As in boyfriend and girlfriend..

Hwayoung:Owh...I would love to...

SooHyun:Hahahaha...Meet me after school..

A girl behind the locker crumbled her paper and close her locker...

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