Let's be best friends...

385 16 2

Yuri and Suho just got back from school and they sit on the dining chair waiting for their grandmother and great-grandmother to come down to the dining room..

They saw that their great-grandmother bringing a big family picture..

The picture have four people on it..Taemin,Nari,Heeyoung and Hwayoung..

Yuri:Halmoni~~What's that?

Heeyoung:My family picture..

Yuri take a look at the picture and was shocked when she saw someone that looks like Hyoyeon..

Yuri:Halmoni,who is that girl?

Heeyoung:My unidentical twins..

Yuri:Halmoni,you have twin sister??Why don't you tell us??Where is she??

Heeyoung:Uhm..Its complicated...She went away,because I was very bitchy to her before...

Yuri:What do you mean???

Nari:Yuri-ah,go have a sit...


Heeyoung started to cry..

Yuri:Halmoni,are you okay??

Nari:Yuri,go help your mother in the kitchen...

Yuri:Okay..But what happen to halmoni??

Nari:It's okay..She will be better if she's alone..Now go help your mother..

Nari:Heeyoung,don't cry...

Heeyoung:But it is my fault..I am the one that made Taehyung run away with her,I killed Eunmi..And it was my fault that Hwayoung having a bad life right now..

Nari:How do you that she have a bad life???

Heeyoung:Can't you see??Your great-grandchild that I met at Starbucks are working to get money...So it means that she is having a poor life..While we..We were having a good life here...Can't you see it??

Nari:Enough.....Don't cry..Maybe thats not Hwayoung's grandchild..

Heeyoung:She is..I believe that she is..Or not why Eunmi was in my dream before and said that something similar will happen...

After she processing her brain and think again..

Heeyoung:Wait..Don't tell me...

She gave a shocked look..


Heeyoung:Yuri had the same face as me..And that girl had the same face as Hwayoung...So that means there's a guy that must look like SooHyun..They even might be in the same school...

Nari:So what are you going to do?

Heeyoung:I must find that guy...


Heeyoung:Because he will ruin people's life..And I don't want it to happen again..

Nari:Are you sure that you can avoid it??The past??And the present??If it is already our fate to meet each other again,should you fix it again??They will just have to cross their line and themselves would fix it by themselves..You should not interfer it...Its their lives,and what if what you said is wrong?What if they haven't meet each other??

Yuri:Halmoni~~Let's eat..Food is ready..

They took a sit..And eat dinner...

The next day,

Yuri sit on her seat lifelessly..

Hyoyeon came to her...

Hyoyeon:Are you okay??

Yuri:Yes,I am fine..

Hyoyeon:I don't think so...Usually you are super active and--

Yuri:Hyoyeon,can we be best friends??I want to know alot about you..

Hyoyeon:Of course we can..Now lets eat at the cafeteria..All of them are waiting for us..

Hyoyeon grab Yuri's hand and walk to the cafeteria..

A guy's POV

Uhmm..That girl looks like the girl on the picture that abeonim usually look at...That Hyoyeon girl..Is the girl on that picture ....Wait no way..That was like 60 years ago..She might be old by now..I need to find that girl on the picture...

At the cafeteria,

Yuri and Hyoyeon just arrived at the cafeteria...

Jessica:Yah!!Where did you guys went earlier??

Yuri:Nothing..Just a personal problem...

Jessica : What personal problem??As long as I know,you don't have any personal problem...

Yuri:Nothing..Lets just eat now...Okay???

Jessica : Okay...then..

After they bought the food,they sat on a big table..

EXO just came and was finding a place to sit..

Suho : Hey,girls..Can we sit here??

Sooyoung:Yes..It's fine..Since there are no names on the table..

Suho : I was just asking...

Sooyoung:Just sit down and eat..

They sat down together..

But,Hyoyeon kept looking at Kai...When he looked at her back,she turned her head around...Taeyeon find this suspicious..

Taeyeon:Hyo,Can you help me find Ms. Hwang??She said that she need to meet me now...

Hyoyeon:But I am still eating..

Taeyeon gave her a puppy eyes and a pout...

Hyoyeon:Oh..Okay then...

Taeyeon : Haahhaahaha lets go..

They went out of the cafeteria and Taeyeon walk around the building for a whole one round now...

Hyoyeon:Where is Ms. Hwang,huh??

Taeyeon:I don't know.. And I really need to go to the toilet now..

Hyoyeon:Okay then,Lets go to the toilet..

At the bathroom,

Taeyeon just wash her hand and look at her reflection in the mirror...

Hyoyeon:You said that you want to go to the toilet but why did you just wash your huh??

Taeyeon:Actually,I am not finding Ms. Hwang right now..

Hyoyeon: Then why are we walking around the building??

Taeyeon:I want to ask you something...

Hyoyeon:What is it??

Taeyeon:Do you like someone in EXO??

Hyoyeon:No..I don't..

But Taeyeon caught her red handed..Because she just blush right now..

Taeyeon:Hahahaha...Why are you blushing huh???


Taeyeon:Just tell me..I won't tell anyone.. Please??

Hyoyeon:Okay then...


Cliffhanger again!!What do you think about their conversation??

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