Past : Are you happy?

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The next day,

Hwayoung didn't come to school which made SooHyun and Taehyung to worried about her..

Heeyoung:Oppa,lets go out on a date sometime..

SooHyun:Me??Please!!I have your sister..I don't need anyone other than her..

Heeyoung:Oh really?Then I will make you love me..

SooHyun:No..You won't..Even if Hwayoung's gone,I will never like you..Ever!!

Heeyoung:What if she died?

SooHyun:I still won't!!You're the one making her life miserable...

Heeyoung:No..I don't!!!Hugh!!

And she stomped away..

Taehyung:What did she mean?What's happening to Hwayoung?

SooHyun:I don't even know..

Taehyung:Then lets ask the principle..


At the principle's room,

Taehyung and SooHyun:Hello,principle..

Principle:Yes,Hello.What do you guys want?

SooHyun:What's happening to Kwon Hwayoung?

Principle:Owh,her mother told me that she will skip school and will have a job..

SooHyun:Who ask for it?Who is it?

Principle:As far as I heard on the phone are only Heeyoung's evil laugh and a slap sound..


Principle:Ok,now go to your class..


They went out and walk to their class.

On the way to the class,

Taehyung:What did she mean,SooHyun?

SooHyun:It means that she was being bullied by her sister,and you know,her mother always follow her sister..

Taehyung:Really..That bitch..



After the school ends,

Heeyoung called someone,

Heeyoung:Omma,release Hwayoung...


Heeyoung:Just follow the intructions!!And let her go outside..I know where she will ran to..


*End call*

Then Heeyoung walk into a new car,

Heeyoung:Joonmyeon,thank you for the car...I will give it back to you,sparkle and clean..Okay?

Joonmyeon:Ok..Be safe..

Eunmi saw and heard about it,She nearly cried about it..But she put love away,And thought of Hwayoung...

'Hwayoung-ah,I will help you' Eunmi said and tears drop from her eyes..

She walk to her car and start the engine..She drive faster to follow Heeyoung..

Finally,she follow her closely behind with her own car,that she bought herself..And yes,she don't have any parents or siblings,so she bought the car herself.

- - - -

Taehyung walk to SooHyun's house.Because SooHyun left his things to him..

He saw a car that drives fast and a girl that ran..He just ignore it..

But somehow his feelings said that something will happen..

So he ran to SooHyun's house and put his things in front of his house..

And went to save that girl..

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