Are you real?

367 18 3

Hyoyeon started her work at Starbuck.

There is a old woman going to the cashier..

Hyoyeon:What do you want,ma'am?

Old woman:Uhm..Uhm..

Hyoyeon:What do you want?

Old woman:Hwayoung??

Hyoyeon:Ah..I am not Hwayoung..Well,do you want to take your order?

Old woman:Then give me Mocha coffee...

Hyoyeon:What's your name ma'am?

Old Woman:Heeyoung...

Hyoyeon:Owh,that will cost $6


Heeyoung sit down on a chair..


But she didn't hear her...


Heeyoung:Ah..I am so sorry...

After she bought it,she went home..

'Ah..That was not Hwayoung...But why did her face looks just like her??Is this a payback??Aniyo~~I don't want to go to the jail for the story that happen 60 years ago..I don't want to..' Heeyoung started talking to herself..

Joonmyeon:Yeobo,Are you inside?


Joonmyeon:Can I come in?


Joonmyeon came in and closed the door..

Joonmyeon:Yeobo,are you okay?Your coffee will get cold..

Heeyoung:Owh okay..

Joonmyeon:Whats happening to you?This is not your usual self..


Joonmyeon:Just tell me..

Heeyoung:I saw her today...

Joonmyeon:Who is she?

Heeyoung:H-wa-you-ng...*Stutters* She's back..Hwayoung is back..

Joonmyeon:What do you mean?She's probably old right now..

Heeyoung:Yeah..I know..I met the younger version of her today..She look so alike with her...

Joonmyeon:Yeobo,you know that there are 6 other copies of one person in the world..So maybe that's not Hwayoung..

Heeyoung:No..That girl have some connections with Hwayoung..I am sure about that..

Joonmyeon:So what are you going to do?

Heeyoung:I don't know..I don't want to go to jail..

Joonmyeon:Think wisely..I am going to call Suho and Yuri after their school end..


Joonmyeon went out of the room..

Joonmyeon:*whisper* What is happening?I need to find that girl...

While Heeyoung sat on her bed,and fall into a deep sleep..

Heeyoung:Where am I?Why am I in a desert??Help!!Yeobo!!Help!!

Then a white girl came,

Eunmi:Well,nice to see you again..

Heeyoung:Yah!!Don't get closer to me!!You're dead!!Why are you here??

Eunmi:Guess that you meet someone earlier,huh?Do you really think that girl was Hwayoung???

Heeyoung:Yah!!Get away from me!!

Eunmi:I won't!!


Eunmi:Do you think that Joonmyeon will help you?You need to help yourself...Learn from your mistake..

Then,flashback happens...

Heeyoung:Give me that ring!!

Then it changed again,

It was when she hits Hwayoung with Joonmyeon's car..

It changed again,

The time when she hits Eunmi's head on the wall..

It changed again,

The time when SooHyun ask about the necklace..

It changed again,

Heeyoung:Girls,like please~~I am much more prettier than my sister..She is not that innocent..She was just acting..

Nayoung(one of her friends):Of course~~How could she date SooHyun oppa??You are much more compatible with him..

Heeyoung:Owh thank you..

It changed again,

The day when SooHyun rejected her for the 5th time..

It changed again,

The day that Joonmyeon confess to her..

Then the flashback stops,

Eunmi:You should be glad that you have Joonmyeon to love you..Because if I am still alive,I would get rid of you too..Just like what you did to Hwayoung..

Heeyoung:Don't get Joonmyeon away from me!!

Eunmi:Pabo!!I am already dead..How can I get him??

Heeyoung:Then what do you want?

Eunmi:Changed the present,because something similar might happen..

Heeyoung:What do you mean??!!

Then Eunmi had a knife on her hand...


She woke up while screaming..

A old woman that reached her 100 years old walk to the room with a wooden stick to help her walk..

Nari:Heeyoung!!Wake up!!


Nari:What happen??

Heeyoung:I need to fix the past..

Nari:What do you mean??

Heeyoung:Hwayoung might be still alive..

Nari:So what are you going to do?Kill her again?

Heeyoung:No..This time I want to fix everything...If I can.....

Nari:Well,get up..You are having a weird dream..Thats all...My great grandchildren will come in a minute..So get up and have dinner together...



What do you think will happen next???

Sorry for my bad english..And I don't usually go to Starbucks,so I don't know the price of the coffee..

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