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 Hyoyeon : Okay I will tell you...

Taeyeon : Okay.. Tell me..

Hyoyeon : I like to eat so much..

Taeyeon : Yah..Don't lie...

Hyoyeon : It's true..

Taeyeon : Then I will just wait till you want to tell me then..

Hyoyeon : I am so sorry..I can't tell it to you right now..

Taeyeon : It's okay..I will wait for that day then..

Hyoyeon : Okay..

Taeyeon : Well lets go to class now.. Or Mr. Park would scold us..

Hyoyeon : Okay..

They went to the class and sat down to their respective seats..

Sooyoung : Where the hell have you both been??

Taeyeon : We are about to find Ms. Hwang but we couldn't find her around the school..

Sooyoung : Yah! Are you an idiot??When both of you left,Ms. Hwang just arrived at the cafeteria..

Taeyeon : I think we went to the other way...You know that this school is so big,so maybe we didn't bump into her earlier..

Jessica : Sooyoung was just worried about both of you..

Hyoyeon : Thank you for caring..

Jessica : Ah Hyo,Yuri want to talk to you..

Yuri : Hyo, are you free later??

Hyoyeon : No,my mom ask me to come home early today..Why??

In Hyoyeon's mind : No,Because I have work to do at the shop..

Yuri : Owh..I was just wanted to bring you to go shopping together since the rest of us are busy today..

Hyoyeon : Owh.. I am so sorry that I can't come..

Yuri : It's okay...

Right then,Mr. Park came in..

*After school*

All of them went to a different directions..Hyoyeon just went straight to Starbucks..Unknowingly,there's a guy following her..

 When she arrived to her workplace , she looked back..But no one is behind her..So she went to her locker and change her clothes and wear a black apron with her name on the tag..Not to forget,she also wore a black hat....She talk to a middle-aged woman..

Hyoyeon : Unnie,You can rest now..I can take the cashier place for a while..Okay??

Euni : Arraseo..Go..There might be some customer coming..

Hyoyeon: Okay..

She went to the cashier,and a guy came..

Hyoyeon : Annyeong,welcome to Starbucks..What do you want sir?

She looked up and saw KAI standing in front of her..

Kai : Hyo??

She fixed her hat so he can't see her..

Hyoyeon : What do you mean,sir??

Kai : Owh.. Nothing..

Hyoyeon : Okay,what do you want to order??

Kai : Give me ____________....

Hyoyeon : Okay sir...

After Kai went out of her workplace,she fixed her hat back into the original position..

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