Papyrus's Spaghetti

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This will be my last one for the night....probably not. Anyway have fun.
- sparky!

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Frisk's POV

"Sans? Did you really kill Chara and Gaster?" I asked. "I killed Gaster. Not Chara she was killed by Papyrus." This news shocked me...papy! Cinnamon bun pappy?!? "Wow..."  " kid what's the plan on bringing him Back?" Sans asked. "Take my soul and put it in a machine your father built. Called...the..... Uh....." "Gaster Baster." Sans finished. " yeah and it'll suck just enough love and determination to bring everyone back. But I killed a lot of people." "Kid...don't blame yourself. Please." Sans smiled at me. "But I'll be remembered as a cold blooded killer....even by goat mom." "Not everyone. You still got me. I will never ever leave you alone." Sans chuckled. " Take it. Now. I'm ready for it.. " "okay kid. I love you." And with that I blacked out.

San's POV

"Alright ready." I told myself as I placed Frisk into the small box machine. "Frisk this might sting." I told her as I turned it on. After about twelve minutes I heard her echo. "HELP IT'S TOO MUCH!!! PAPYRUS IS DONE! I'LL DO THE REST LATER JUST HELP!!!!!!" I turned it off and grabbed the soul and held it to my chest. "You okay?" I said putting Frisk's soul back. "Huh....yeah....hey do you smell......spaghetti?" I looked around to see a red cape flowing in the kitchen. "Papyrus? Bro?"  "YES IT IS I THE GREAT PAPYRUS!!" I felt a tear drip from my eye when I heard Frisk say, "Pappy? H-hey." She said cautiously approaching him. "Human!!!! Sans get behind me the human is Evil!!!" Papyrus shot some bones at her but she dogged every single one. "Pap! I don't want to fight!" She yelled but pap wasn't listening.  "PAPYRUS STOP! DON'T HURT HER!" I said using my telekinesis to stop his hand. "W-what? I am just protecting you brother!"  "Bro Frisk didn't kill you it was Chara. Frisk is mine....I mean! Uh uh ummmmm she is fine....yeah. Fine." "Okay brother!! Frisk would you like some spaghetti?" He smiled.

Frisk's POV

Did he say I was his? No no no I must being hearing things.

"Sure! I missed your spaghetti!!!!" I said plopping a bit of noodles on to my plate. "Nyeh hehe you look very skinny human! Eat a lot!!" "Don't over stuff because I ordered a cake!" Sans said. "Oh no I better ghetti on eating then!" I chuckled. "SAAAANS YOU BROKE THE HUMAN!!!!" Papyrus screamed. "No no no I fixed her." Sans smiled as papyrus tackled him. "Oh no!!! I better run so he can't ketchup to me!" "Leaving me behind that's pretty snow of you!!!" Sans said. "NOOOOO THE PUNS ARE HORRIBLE!!" Papyrus yelled.

Hours later.

"Human you can take my bed! I will sleep on the couch!" Papyrus smiled. "Oh no thanks I'm sleeping with Sans." When I said that I covered my mouth then I heard him fangirl scream, "I SHIP IT AHHHHH!!!"  He jumped up and down. "Woah pap we aren't a thing....." "Oh don't worry human you will will be."

Sans POV

When I heard what she said I was angry.

"Frisk maybe you should sleep on Papyrus's bed tonight." I said angrily. "B-but w-." "I don't want to talk to you tonight." I said. " FINE I'LL JUST GO THEN IT'S NOT LIKE YOU LOVED ME ANYWAY!!" Frisk cried running to Papyrus's bed room. "Papyrus tell her I want her to leave in the morning. Got it?!?."       "But brot-" "NO PAP NO BUTS!! SHE LEAVES IN THE MORNING!" I yelled trying to hold my temper. "I DON'T WANT A COLD BLOODED KILLER IN MY HOUSE!" I gasped at what I said and covered my mouth. "I-i." Frisk ran out crying. "Frisk? No! Frisk!!

Author's POV

No. Freaking. Regrets. none.

Love's Determination (A Frisk X Sans Story) ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now