Day Three.

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Hiya sparky here! Random guy : THEY KNOW THAT DUMBASS! Me: SHUT THE FUCK UP BOB!
Well ahem before we were so RUDELY INTERRUPTED! *Glares at Bob* I am truly sorry for not updating yesterday..a lot of stuff happened. *Claps*  ANYWAYS!!! ON WITH THE STORY!!!
~😘 Sparky

Chara's POV

I have two hours left I need to get to Asgore NOW!!!
I know Sans is on to me and so is Papyrus. Shit I never should've promised I wouldn't kill him..I can fight him but not kill him. He was the key to everything!!!! "Here we are."  I whispered as I walked into the castle. "Hello BITCH." Now you might think that  was Sans....oooh you are soooo wrong. It was Papyrus. "Wow Paps I didn't know you had that vocabulary!" I smiled. "Shut up. Sans? You ready?"  A small figure appeared out of the shadows with one glowing eye. "Heh I saw that little stunt you did with the souls good job!" I said unenthusiastically. "Heh. Yeah. I need Frisk back. And I'm only two hours away from it."
"Correction Two hours and two minutes." I said Sarcastically.
"Shut the FUCK up Smart Ass. Let's get this over with shall we?" Sans said as he readied the Gaster Blasters.
"Hold still this will hurt a skele Ton." I Chuckled manically. "Oh no it won't..not for us..." "Us? you mean you and Papyrus? Hahaha funny." "Oh no I mean all of us...except...." He didn't finish his sentence and held the pieces of  the souls in his hand. "Pap don't let her get to me I need time." 

Play song.

Sans POV

I needed time to give L O V E  to the souls and revive them..
'Frisk will be without a mother..' I said to myself. Its sad she never got to say goodbye...aww SHIT. No sentimental shit right now. Let's do this.
I folded my hands together let's do this. I told my self.


Love's Determination (A Frisk X Sans Story) ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now