The awakening

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Hey its sparky!!! How r u today? So anyways I will be updating a lot today sooooo enjoy! BTW this is  how sans felt when papyrus died.

-Duh Sparkiest of Sparkys

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Sans POV

She's getting stronger which  is really good I guess....just need her to get a little stronger.  "Almost done sans....just a bit longer...." Her voice was getting louder....yes just a bit longer. "Hey take your thyme kiddo."  I said rubbing her soul.

Time skip brought to you by Papyrus's exploding spaghetti.

I heard a crash in the kitchen. "KIDDO? YOU OK?!?" I ran into the kitchen to see...

"F-Frisk?" "Huh? Sans!!!" The girl tackled me into a hug and all I could say was, "uh

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"F-Frisk?" "Huh? Sans!!!" The girl tackled me into a hug and all I could say was, " You really caught up to me in size there....." I was that stupid. " yup wanna got to Grillby's so we can ketchup?!?" She said. " But you'll never ketchup to me!!" I ran out of the cabin and hid. "Aghh okay I give up."  She said as I came out of the bushes.  Once we got to Grillby's we caught up and stuff then she got serious. "I will bring everyone back....I more resets  either. I need to learn from my mistakes..." She said crying. "Hey hey hey kiddo its ok just relax you're not strong enough yet just give it time...."  "Fine oh by the way sans you are very boney." She blushed. "Ooooh riiiiiight thaaaat. Well if you saw me like that I get to see you with your shirt off too." I said. "Whatever. Nevah gonna happen." She chuckled.  "Alright time to go." I said picking her up bridal style. "I can walk y'know." "Nope you walked here you're not walking home." I was waaaaay to worried she would go back to her soul state. Once we got home she went to her room and lied on her bed.

Frisk's POV

Was he being serious? I have to take my shirt off???? Hope not....that would be weird.... Or something...... PFFT I got to study to get everyone back. I picked up a book that said restoring souls. I read about twelve chapters before I dozed off."  The last thing I heard was. "Why do I love you so much kid?" He kissed me.

Sans POV

I love the kid... Wow that's wow. I mean she would never love me back... Right? Ugh feelings suck. I turned on the TV and played some GTA when I heard her door open. "Hey kiddo you ok?" I said. "Oh hey sorry I'm just thirsty got any milk?" "Oh huh... Yeah right here." I said giving her a glass of milk. "Wanna play?"  Her eyes lit up. "Uh YEAH!!!! HAVE YOU EVEN MET ME!!!?!?!" She plopped herself on the couch and grabbed a controler.

A few hours later...

"Time to go to sleep." I said getting up from the couch. "AWWW just one more game.....please!!!!" "Nooo way kid." I picked her up and put her on my bed and I plopped down beside her. "You are sleeping here tonight." I said. I guess I'm just too worried about her. She fell asleep and I just stared into space. Hoping to be able to sleep tomorrow but I probably won't.

Love's Determination (A Frisk X Sans Story) ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now