Seeing differently

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Its time my lovelies to end this book and finish my others. I love you all for being so sweet to me. I hope you Enjoy this last chapter. And remember that if you need  to talk to me about anything i will be there.
I love you all with all of my heart.

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14 years later....

Mirage's P.O.V

"Hi dad!" I yelled walking into his room.
"Oh.....hey sweetheart how are you?" "I’m okayJust a bit tired ya' know? Anyways whats for dinner?" I asked rubbing my sore arm. "Heh....your grandma's favorite...snail soup." He laughed. "EWWWWWW! I'D RATHER HAVE UNCLE PAP'S SPAGHETTI!" I said making a face. "Don't worry kiddo I'm kidding we're having hotcats." He chuckled. I faked a laugh and rubbed my arm. "Sweetheart... You got a bad cut on your hand want some cortisone cream?" My heart was beating faster now. "Uh.....n-no thanks dad I got it." I walked out of his room and into my own. I washed the makeup covering my bruises off and washed my scratched up arm. "Dad would kill me if he found out." I whispered. As I grabbed my blade out of my dresser. "Honey!!!! Randy's here!!!!" My father yelled. "UH....COMING DAD!!" I panicked and put the blade down. Forgetting to pull my jacket sleeve down and put on some makeup. "M-mirage? What happened to you?" I heard Randy say. My father grabbed my right arm and he had his *I'm disappointed with you face* on. "S-sweetheart.....w-why? WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HAPPY BABY GIRL??!?!?!" He yelled. "SHE DIED WITH MOM!!!! SHE WAS NEVER HAPPY!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!" I yelled. Poor Randy. Just staring . He was sensitive like his mother. And Strong like his other mother but....both of them died in a car accident three years ago. He had the same sad face like he did then. But I didn't care right now. I stormed off to my room and cried. Then I saw the rope....I also had a stool in my room. "Bye world."I wrote a note and stood on the stool. The note read.

Love's Determination (A Frisk X Sans Story) ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now