Day One

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Hey!!! Hope you like the song!! And this next chapter!

Frisk's POV

It was time.... Sans had left for the night because of what would happen today.  Little did I know how painful it would be.  "Are you ready Frisk?" Chara echoed. "Fine Do it."  I  felt her plunge into my soul. It was like a knife had plunged into my heart. "HAHAHA WHAT FRISK ARE YOU HAVING A BAD TIME!?" "Chara I'm giving you my body for three days if yipou taunt me I will end this deal." I said holding my chest. That's when I blacked out.

Play song.

Chara's POV

Huh? Woah I haven't been in a physical body in a while...
"Welp! Let's go kill some innocents!" I screamed. I grabbed a knife from the drawer and walked out. "Hmm who first? Oh! I know Mettaton!!!  That's a great target!" I shouted and speak of the devil he\she (I can't really tell) walked on by. "Oh hello there Mettaton. How are you?" "Oh darling you can't fool me... I suspect you want to kill me right? Well go ahead and try..." She\he smirked. "Huh you know me to well metta. Let's do this." I pulled out my knife and got ready. "Oh darling I'm not being stupid today...I may have brought a couple ...friends...." "Huh?" Soon I saw Toriel and Azzy. "Azzy I don't want to fight you...." I said clenching the knife. "Then don't Chara please." Azzy came closer holding out his paw. "O...okay.." I grabbed him and hugged him. "I'm sorry Azzy." That's when I stabbed him and said. "Get dunked on."  He fell to the ground. I couldn't cry right now. "OK Metta one down two to go haha... You really thought I would spare him? Ya no." Toriel was in tears. I wanted to scream and yell forgive me.. But I knew that they would betray me and kill me. Unlike Frisk who is an arrogant fool. "Alright let's fight."

5 mins later.

"Haha it's just me and you Tori. Just me and you."

Toriel's  POV

"Haha It's just me and you Tori. Just me and you." I silently chuckled at her words knowing Mettaton niether Asriel was dead their souls though low on Hp. Where given to Sans. "I guess so child I guess so." I smiled. I was willing to die. Sans didn't know I would die I wasn't going to give Sans my soul. "Remember I'm in Frisk's body so any damage you do to me you do to her." Chara said thinking she got the upper hand. "Haha I know child that's why she asked you too keep Papyrus alive..." I laughed. I have no idea why but I laughed.
"Oh wooooow Toriel is acting all high and mighty Ay? Well your gonna be off your horse in a minute." She lunged at me with a knife but I just smirked and dogged it. " I really don't wanna do this the hard way!" She whined. "Ugh I must've been a terrible mother Because my daughter is very lazy." She lunged at me again this time I hit her with some of my attacks. "Mom..are you ready?" She stood there smiling. "Pfft fine hit me. And you can't call me mother. Only good kids can." "Aww screw you.." She finally dogged me but this time I couldn't  doge it so I let it happen. "Hehe...good bye Chara. Good bye Frisk." I heard a sob coming from the girl and died.

Chara's POV

I sobbed slamming my hand on the ground. "Asriel.. Mettaton... Mom..I'm sorry I had to do this too you..." I wiped my face. "I'm coming for you next, Undyne." =)

Love's Determination (A Frisk X Sans Story) ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now