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Hello there!! How are you? Well on with the story!!!

Sans POV

"Ready to go home kiddo?" I asked. "Oh uh yeah I just really umm need to calm down...." "Did you mean it? When you said I was your..." "My boyfriend? Yes. But Sans I don't feel well can we talk about this later?" I was scared...she didn't seem like herself..."Want me to carry you?" I said extending my hand. "Yea. . ." "Hey kid what do ya call a skeleton who is on drugs?" I said trying to lighten the mood. "I don't know what?" "A boner!!!!" "Very punny of you sans... But I really don't feel well." I knew something was wrong so once we got to the cabin I said, "follow me to the bathroom." "What do you want Sans?" She said walking into the bathroom. "Take your shirt off." "W-what?!? Sans now is not the time to joke!!" "I'm not kidding take it off." I said bluntly. "Fine." Once she took her shirt off I saw a big gash on her stomach. "Chara did this didn't she." "Y-yes. I didn't want you to worry too much." She hung her head in shame. I took my white shirt off and wrapped it around her waist. "Sans....please get a shirt on..." She blushed as she put her shirt back on.  "Pfft fine." I smiled.

Frisk's POV

When we got out of the bathroom Sans and I played some GTA
And ate potato chips when I kissed him. We kissed three minutes (with breaks of course.) Until Papyrus came in....."OPT OPT FINALLY!!!!  I LOVE IT!!!" "Oh uh h- hey pappy..... Didn't see ya there.." Sans said getting off of me. "OOPS DID THE GREAT PAPYRUS RUIN THE MOOD?!?!" "No pap I was getting a little tired anyway..." I said trying to cheer him up. "Alright boy's I'm going to bed... Sans you coming?" "Yeah I'm coming...night pap." "NIGHT BROTHER NYEH HE HE HE!"  I sat in bed waiting for Sans. He once again took his shirt off and slid into bed. "What.... Are you blushing kiddo?" " I'm not!" I smiled. "Lies! And now you will be punished with...TICKLES!!!" He yelled as got on top of me and tickled me. "HHAHAHA STOP HAHAHAHA PLEASE!! I CANT BREATH!!! HAHAHA OMG STOOOOOOOOPPP!" I got on top of him and started to do the same thing. Then I lay my head down on his chest and just relaxed for awhile. "Kid? I love you." He said. I love you too Sans.."  After that I fell asleep.

Time skip to the morning.

Sans POV

I loved her a lot.. And I was too nervous to do anything about it.....smh.

"Hey kid you ready to bring Toriel back?" I said.

"Yeah Sans I'm ready." I took her soul and whispered " I love you frisk. "


"NO MORE!!! NO MORE!!! TORIEL IS AWAKE SANS NO MORE!!!" I heard Frisk scream. I quickly shut off the Machine and took her soul out and put it back where it belongs. When she moved around a bit she fell into my arms and passed out.. This was expected though. " Sans? Where is the child that killed me?" "Tori that wasn't really her..." I said guarding the door. "Sans....she's evil..." "No that was Chara." She looked stunned at what I said. "I haven't heard that name in years..." She said preparing an attack. I quickly retaliated and looked at her. "SHE TALKS ABOUT HOW SAD AND REGRETFUL SHE IS AND HOW SHE WANTS TO SEE HER GOAT MOM AND ALL YOU DO IS TRY TO KILL HER!!!" I screamed. " no no...I didn't mean it..." She said shaking her head in shame. "You're a monster." I said turning around and going in my room.

Love's Determination (A Frisk X Sans Story) ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now