Toriel time.

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Hiya its Sparky!!! Listen to the song then listen to my cover of it on Sing! (By smule) my user name is Iamsillierthanu. Anyways on with the story! (I'm not great at it tho.

By the way its been about six months of dating between the two.
Toriel just came back to visit

Frisk's POV

I woke up excited to see Toriel. "Hey Frisk?" "Mm yeah Sans?" I said rubbing my eyes. "Me and Papyrus are gonna go out  and have some uh bro time so you and Tori can some alone time are you okay with that?" Sans sounded worried. "Yes..I'll be fine why wouldn't I be?" I questioned. "Because she didn't even want to see you when you risked your life for her.." "Sans I'll be fine." I said smiling at him.

Sans POV

I needed to make sure Tori wouldn't attack her.
"Tori can I talk too you for a minute?" "Yes Sans what is it?" "Follow me." We went outside to talk. "You hurt her or attack her your gonna have a bad time. Got it?" I said highlighting her soul. "Sans why would I ever attack my child?" Toriel seemed unfazed by my threats. "Uh let's see you tried to attack her six months ago and never told her thank you for risking her life for you." (Savage) "Yes and I regret that." "OK Tori I trust  you don't break it." I growled.
When we went inside I got dressed and waited for Papyrus. "HURRY UP WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!" I yelled. "THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS READY LET US GO! GOODBYE HUMAN!" "Hahaha! Goodbye Sans bye Papyrus." Frisk smiled and me and Pap headed off.

Frisk's POV

"Hey Tori? Want some pie?" "Mm pie sounds delicious what kind is it?" "Butter Scotch Cinnamon." I said. "Oh yes! I love that more than snail pie! Did you make it your self?" "Oh Sans helped me and we had a lot of fun that night..." I said blushing. "AWWW cute! When are the grand babies coming?" "Omg mom!!!! I'm not even married to him yet!!!" "Hehe child...don't worry you will be." Tori said eating some pie. "Hey mom... Can I train with you a bit?" "Sure darling."

At Grillby's

San's POV

" Hey Pap? " "YES BROTHER?" I heard him say. "I think I'm gonna ask Frisk to marry me."  "NYEH HEHE FINALLY AND THE GREAT PAPYRUS SHALL BE THE BEST MAN!" "Hehe you will. Don't worry about that. But I want to get everyone back first." I said eating a few fries and had a sip of ketchup.

"HOW WOULD YOU PROPOSE?" He asked. " Oh erm I'll say knock knock. She says who's there. I say marry. She says marry who and I'll get on my knees and pop the question. " "AWWWW THE GREAT PAPYRUS LOVES IT!!!" Pap yelled.

Frisk's POV

"*huff huff* you got better at dogging didn't you my child?" "Yep! Want some water?" "Oh yes please." She said plopping on the couch. "It might taste like spaghetti Papyrus got his hand stuck in the water cooler again." I chuckled. "Oh it tastes fine my child." Tori said sipping the water. "Oh I'm supposed to pick the guys up!!! I got to go!" I ran out the door and jumped into the car.

Love's Determination (A Frisk X Sans Story) ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now