Left and Right.

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HELLO! And welcome to madness lovelies! I hope you enjoy  this chapter! It will be the fourth to last chapter! I will MAYBE!  Make a sequel in May. Aaaaaannnnyyywaaaay! On with the story!

Play song. Because I like it. And it goes well with the ending...😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏

Frisk's POV

"G? Are you okay?" I shook G  who was staring at the wall. "G?"  I suddenly felt the ground shake. "Sorry doll. I need MY Frisk..I miss her." He looked at a blue ring with a beautiful Echo Flower on it. "Error said if I killed you.  She would be back.... Don't take this the wrong way doll...it's nothing personal." G's eye had a bright blue fire in it and he looked down at his feet guiltily.  "G....no..  NO!!! HELLLLLLLLPPPP!!!!!!


San's POV

" Frisky I don't like you... I miss my Frisk...the only one for me." I looked down at the floor. "I was afraid you'd say that dearie..." Frisky pulled out a pocket knife. "Let's dance." I  tpsaid summoning two gaster blasters.
She jabbed at me a couple of times but I did notice that she had her eyes on a purple ring with a ruby in crusted. "List huh? Where is he?" I said trying to prevent the fight. "He...was taken from me...I need him back..." "I can help you...I know how.." I smiled holding my hand out for her to shake it. "But how?" She said shaking my hand. "Let's just say I have a veerrry artistic friend." I decided to call him. *yes all sanses can summon each other. They  are  just to lazy to do it* "INK I NEEEED YOUUUUUU!!" I Shouted. Soon enough a colorful purple and blue portal opened. "I was summoned?" "Ya see umm My Frisk and Her Sans Was taken by !Error Sans. And  we need them back." "Ahh yes. I can help. What Au?" "Echotale." Frisky answered.  *A\N NYEH HEH HE HAH!* "Same with my Frisk." "Mmm okay." Ink opened a portal to Echotale and we went through it. Only to see a tall skeleton fighting MY  Frisk. "HEY YOU ASS!" I screamed lunging toward him. "Frisky?" The tall skeleton said walking towards her. "Have we met?" Frisky said. "IT'S ME LUST!!! I OMGOSH I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!" He picked her up and twirled her around.  I was pissed still but When I saw Frisk it all melted away. "SAAAAAANNNNNNS!!!!" She screamed running into my arms. "Heh. Hey Sweetheart." I kissed her passionately and our souls danced together...forming a new soul...it was orange..."huh?" I said. "I think I got my soul pregnant? Is that possible?" "Maybe we should talk to Alphys...."

Love's Determination (A Frisk X Sans Story) ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now