Soul State

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Hiya!! Sparky here! I promised to make this chapterl special!! And I will! Anyone who ships the ships IMA about to show you. eternal love righta bout now. *said in redneck voice* -sparky

Sans POV

I moved the ring between my fingers saying to myself, "today's the day. just do it...." I heard Frisk get up from the bed.   "Hey sweetheart? I wanna bring Alphys and Undyne back today." She said quietly. "Frisk you could barely bring one person back and you had too wait six months just to try again!" I said worriedly. "I can do it maybe I'll bring the rest of them!!!" "Maybe...but don't hurt yourself. Mm'kay? I wouldn't be able to live if you were injured or...." I couldn't finish that. "Sans....I'll be fine.....I'll be resting for awhile but it'll be worth it to bring everyone back!!" Fisk's smile didn't reach her eyes she was a normally happy person but  I was scared for her. "Pap? Can you make some tea?" I said coming out of the bedroom. "Green or sweet?" "Sweet ice tea please!"  Frisk smiled but I knew it was absolutely fake. " you sure your ready?" I said she just nodded and I  hesitantly took her soul and put it into the device.

3 hrs later.

Well she's alive and everyone else is back.....

I heard her whisper for me.

"What's up princess?" "I'm so tired...." She fell into my arms but I could feel her soul dying. "PAPYRUS!!! HELP!!!" I Screamed. He walked over to me. "I need you too heal her....please." I could feel tears dripping from my eyes knowing what he would say next. " know I can't heal souls....but....I'll try to make her stable.... I love her too you know..." Papyrus flinched as if I was going to hit him when he said that...and I would've but Frisk was in danger. "ALPHYS!!! COME HERE!!" I screamed. "Huh? What's wrong with the human?" "She's dying." Papyrus said. Wow he's usually very optimistic but right now I could see the light in his eyes fading away losing all hope. "I'll take her too the lab and...try to save her." I was surprised, I thought when they came back they would try to kill her like Toriel did six months ago. But they seemed worried. "Sans you gotta stay outside of the could be a distraction." Alphys said watching Papyrus pick Frisk up. "Fine. Keep her safe.." "Hey Sans you okay?" Undyne put her hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me. "Tibia honest no...." I showed her the ring. "Woah sure your ready for that commitment I mean." "Undyne just shut up." I said walking to my room.

Alphys' POV (ooh we're switching it up!)

"So the only reason you support Sans and Frisk is because you want her too be happy?" I said as Papyrus put her down on her bed. "Yes. But let's not talk about that right now....please...just heal her." Papyrus said.  "Okay Umm put your hand on her head to keep her stable while I put the IV in okay?" Papyrus didn't say anything he just did what he was told. I could see him dying inside. "Oww!" I heard her whisper. "Shhh Paps is here everything will be alright..." He moved his hand across her forehead.
"Papyrus please prepare the meds." I said not facing him. "Here take them." He said holding his other hand out, Never taking his eyes off Frisk.  "Thanks Papyrus. You can go now." Papyrus was hesitant but he finally took his hand off her head and walked out.

A few hours later.

Sans POV

"Alphys? Is she alright?" Papyrus and I said. "She is fine...I had to put her back in her soul state..she should be back to normal in three days time so you boys should get some  sleep."  "No I'm staying up and watching her all night...I won't leave her alone." I said. Papyrus nodded. I won't sleep with her like this not now not ever. Play song. "I can be serious you know I'm not just all sunshine and rainbows... I watched you kill our father for goodness sakes." Papyrus said watching the soul. I said nothing I just stared into space. Waiting for the chance to punch him when Frisk was asleep.

Love's Determination (A Frisk X Sans Story) ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now