The Echo's of Frisk.

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Hey guys!!!! Just so ya know I'm sparky. I  just wanted you to know I'm a recent Frans shipper....and when I ship I ship haaaaaard.  Like hard💣💥 okay let's get on with it!!!!! BTW I picked this song cuz its kinda like what's happening with frisk the sans part is just adorable.

- Love Sparky.

Play song.

Frisk's POV

She's getting weaker...... I can actually speak to sans now.

"Sans!!!!! It's Me!!!!!" I ran up to him but he just shot bones at me. Luckily I dogged them.
"Is this a trick? I know who you are killed everyone...." " What?!? No that wasn't me!!!!"  "That's it?! It wasn't me?  Really!!! You killed Tori, Alphys, Undyne, Mettaton, Asgore, Asrieal, and...........Papy! And that's all you have to say!?!" I looked at him shocked at what he said. "It- it was C-Chara." I stuttered trying to fight her off in my mind. "Blaming your imaginary friend? Man kid you really have a skeleTon of  problems up there don't you?"  " fine sans.... Just let me show you. Before she comes back... " I tried to break free and get my body back. When our souls split I fell on the ground. The last thing I heard was " Haha hello there sans you look well."

Sans'  POV

The kid was right it wasn't her...

" What a fool. She may have split up from me....but I was the only thing keeping her soul from shattering.....forever." "" I shot my gaster blasters and destroyed her.....hopefully..... I ran to Frisk shaking her. "KID KIDDO!!!! WAKE UP PLEASE!!!"  No answer. I took her soul from her and held it in my boney hands. There was no determination left not even a bit of it. I sat there holding it in my arms careful not to crush it then I heard an echo "saaaans. Saaaaans its meeee frisk. I'll be okay. Just watch my soul for awhile I am resting in there."  I held the soul in my hand and started walking to my cabin. Once I got there I put the soul down and watched it fly around. "Hurry and heal frisk....please"  I must've stayed up all night just watching her because its dawn now...."wanna go to Grillby's kiddo?" The soul stopped and landed in my hand. "Guess that's a yes huh? Well we gotta go before we are latte." I chuckled at my pun and got dressed. I forgot Frisk was there when I looked back I saw Frisk's pink soul blush a tomato red. "AAAAH w-were you there the whole time? I guess now you know I'm very boney." I grabbed her and headed to Grillby's.  "Bottle 'o ketchup please Grillbs."   I drank my ketchup and  told puns to Frisk's soul when I heard her say. " Sans I know your lonely..... I'm almost done resting just a few more hours."  "Okay kiddo just try to ketchup on some sleep OK?" The soul fell into my hands as we  walked back to the cabin she understood what I meant and was asleep in my hands....that good

Love's Determination (A Frisk X Sans Story) ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now