It's Kill or be Killed Here

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Ooooooh sounds scary riiiight lol get ready for another return of Chara and right now you're probably at home saying things like WHAT THE HELL?!? Well yeah she's coming back.

3 months later.
Frisk's POV

I kept hearing Chara's voice in my head.
I wanted it too stop. Her voice just echoed in my head.
"Frisk they're never gonna forgive you...not even your little comedian.... They hate you.....kill them or they will kill you"
"Just shut up Chara I'm letting you stay alive right? You owe me." I whispered.  "You can talk you know...did you forget your still in your soul state?" "Screw you Chara."  "Aww Frisky your no fun to play with anymore.. Why can't we make a deal?" She sounded like a three year old. "First of all eww don't call me Frisky. Second of all I'm curious of what deal you want to make  me...."  "Easy peasy. I take control for about three days and you can warn your friends... And after three days I'll just bug you from another timeline... Oooh like under fell or ummm hmmm dance tale! Did you know I am your sister there? I'm soooo gonna make your life a living hell." "Fine as long as I get a whole day too warn them. Then you can take control for three days. On one more condition.  Don't you dare touch Papyrus." "Fine fine deal." As soon as she said that I was out of my soul state that I had apparently stayed in for three months. "Kid!!! I missed you!!!" I felt Sans and Papyrus tackle me but I quickly pushed them off.  "Huh? Human what's wrong?" Pap said. "I-i made a deal with Chara... She will be in control for three days. After today."  "WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS TO US?!? WHAT DO YOU HATE US!!!?!!?" Sans eye turned blue. "N-no S-Sans  I...."  "SANS STOP!!! MAYBE SHE WAS TRYING TO HELP OKAY?!! LOOK AT HER SHE CLEARLY MEANT NO HARM SO WHY DONT YOU....WHY DON'T YOU JUST %$@5 OFF!"  Papyrus yelled. " You love her don't you...even when I was going to propose..." " B-BROTHER STOP CHANGING THE FREAKING SUBJECT!" "When Frisk got sick you acted different.. When you told me.....I thought you were just" Sans and I stood shocked until I said,  "Please stop fighting....I just wanted to be free of her...without killing her." "Oh my gosh Frisk....why am I such a fool. Of course you didn't mean too hurt us your  are too much of a cinnamon bun." Sans said holding my hand. "I WILL FIGHT HUMAN!" "yeah same here." Undyne said. Everyone reassured me they would be okay and left. It  was now just Sans, Papyrus, and I.  "Hey Frisk... Did you here about that man who got hit in the head with a soda?" "No..." "Well he's lucky it was a soft drink.." "Pfft *giggle* that was...horrible." I said between laughs. "You guys got to go train too keep yourselves safe." I said. "Well bro Frisk's right we better spag get ti on outta here." Sans laughed. "Don't get saucey with me Sans."

"Bro I am soo proud of you..." Sans laughed.

Love's Determination (A Frisk X Sans Story) ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now