Day Two

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Heya!!!! Soo if you remember correctly....UNDYNE IS NEXT. Holy shiet I'm gonna get killed.

San's POV

I could feel Toriel's soul fade away...this time she was gone forever. Poor Frisk... "Shit Tori...why couldn't you listen??? Frisk could still have a mother..." I whispered hoping not to awaken Papyrus. "Brother.... It'll be quite alright. Don't you worry." "PAPS? did I wake you?!!!!!!" "No no brother...I'm not going to sleep for awhile..." He said patting my back. "We're both lovesick aren't we?" I said. Papyrus just nodded and looked at the Stars.
"I have to call Undyne..." I grabbed my phone and called.

An hour later..

Chara's POV

"Hello Undyne....Alphys." I acknowledged their existence.
"Shit did you have to come so late punk? Its already midnight!!!" "Oh sorry that I didn't get here as soon as I wanted too. But its not like you has anything better too do."
I smirked pulling out my knife. "Uh yes we did! Me and Alphys Were planning on binge watching Fantasy and Our Lie In April. You bitch." "Oh I'm so sorry.. What? Its not like you were going to propose or anything." I laughed at her annoyed face.
"Alright come on punk. Let's get this over with."

Meanwhile (person: Author Chan no! Me : Author Chan Yes~)

Sans POV

I could feel Undyne's soul in distress. But I wasn't getting anything from Alphys..That's not great....
"Pap... Would you fight her....I mean Chara." "But....She's in the human's body.... I could kill her..." "'ll be okay. She always pulls through."

Back at Undyne's house

Chara's POV

"STOP HURTING HER!! PLEASE!" I heard Undyne yell while I was beating Alphys to a pulp. "HAHA WHY SHOULD I?!? HAHA!!!" Little did they know it hurt. It hurt to beat up the monsters but it was for survival. "PLEASE STOP! I'LL DO ANYTHING!" "Anything huh? Well you could kill Paps for me.." "NO DON'T DO IT!!!BE STRONG UNDYNE!!! PLEASE!!
I'LL BE FINE REMEMBER THE PLAN!!" "Ok. I will." Undyne looked down in defeat as I crushed The Dinosaur's skull.
"ARE YOU READY TO DIE?!!?!?" Undyne said throwing a spear at me. I caught it and threw it straight back at her. It whent through her chest. I watched both of their souls shatter but I noticed something peculiar. One piece was missing. Which meant they were still alive... Shit.


Sans POV

"Okay let's better watch out Chara. The skelebrosare coming.

Love's Determination (A Frisk X Sans Story) ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now