!Error and AU'S

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Ready set !ERROR!

Play song.

Frisk's POV
"SAANS?!! WHERE ARE YOU!?!" I was worried to death. "Ahh Doll... I'm right here...don't worry and don't move too much." He said squeezing my hand. "So this *ERROR* Is Frisk..she is so beautiful.."  A odd sounding Skeleton said. "DON'T TOUCH HER!" Sans shouted. "Re...*ERROR* lax Sans..I want to see if you both are faithful to each other... Soo *ERROR* I will be sending you to different Au's. Frisk goes to Echotale...while you *ERROR* Sans will go too hmmm ahh Under lust." The skeleton said. "Fine Error....do it." Sans squeezed my hand tightly. "I'll see ya soon babe." I smiled. "Yeah see ya soon."

Through a portal.

"Heya Doll face don't cha know how to greet a new pal? Shake my hand." I turned around to see a rather...tall Skeleton with two cracks in his skull. "Uh okay I'm F-Frisk." I stuttered in awe of him. "G." He said taking  another puff of his cigarette.

Fucking play it I dare you!!!!*

"You better get some new clothes if ya wanna fit in here sweetheart." He said winking at me. I just blushed and looked down at my feet. "Here." He handed me a crop top and white shorts. "You can change when we get to my place." He yanked me over to his chest and teleported. Now me being used to Sans teleportation I wasn't nauseous at all. "Alright welp. Time to get dressed." I said running into the bathroom. When I closed the door I started pulling down my shirt. "Your bra is cute Sweetheart." G said touching my shoulders. "HOLY SHIT! YOU FUCKING PERVERT!" I yelled but for some reason I was...happy? Eh its probably nothing. "Geez Doll relax...I don't like to see ya jump. I'll leave...tell me when you put your clothes on." He smirked. I put on my clothes and damn did I look good..I noticed my ring was gone.. Error must've took it....oh well.
"Ya look good slut." He smirked his evil smirk. "I am not a slut you man whore." I joked.

Meanwhile in lust.

Sans POV


Love's Determination (A Frisk X Sans Story) ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now