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Alyssa's POV

"WHAT!?" Emma screeched through the phone, sounding like a mental person. I'm on the phone with them. That was really a hard decision to make since you know how those girls can get when pretty excited. And I don't even want ear injuries! I'm too young!

I smiled, "Yep. You heard me. He's my err.. Boyfriend now..." It sounds so.. new calling him that. Oh well, might as well get used to it. There was screaming on the other line making me flich a little. I'm guessing it was Emma?

"You guys are so perfect! I feared that I might have to wait a little longer until I see a perfect couple like you guys since it seems like yesterday you were denying your feelings for him!" Kristina exclaimed, but this time a little softer than Emma. Thank God. She seems pretty happy for me. They all seem pretty happy. That makes me want to smile widely like how Julia Roberts smile. But I think that's pretty impossible to achieve. Man, she smiles until it reaches her ears!

"I'm so proud of you Lyssie!!!" Emma once again screamed, making me pull my phone inches away from my ear to avoid ear injuries. She's mental, I tell you.

"Emma! Mind the ears!" I exclaimed loudly, though not loud enough to claim vengeance.

"Ermm.. Sorry. I'm just so happy for you!" She replied.

I smirked, "Yeah, you were showing it quite clearly."

"Oh guys. I'm late for work." Kristina said. She has this part-time job every weekends. She takes overtimes at weekdays after school sometimes. She really needs to earn money because her mother has a very serious disease called Leukemia plus her schooling. Their father left them when she was 10 leaving her younger brother and her sick mum. I really wanted to help her so much but she just kept on refusing. So she had to apply for a job, letting her save up for medicines since she can't afford hospitals. She and her mother are the strongest people I've ever met in my life. That makes me remember!

"So Kris, when can we visit your mum?" I asked.

"Probably Monday to Friday. Since I finally saved up enough for hospitals! I'm planning to get her there on Saturday.. Maybe Sunday." She replied happily. It's really clear in her voice that she really wanted her mother to recover really fast. Who wouldn't? If I found out that my mother had that disease, which I pray to Heaven that it will never happen, I would be probably ball my eyes out. But her? She won't let her fear take over her. That's one of the things I love about her. I'm really happy for my bestfriend.

"That's good! So Emma, what about we visit on.. umm.. What about Wednesday? After school?" I perked up.

"Any day sounds perfect!" Emma replied.

"Great. I'll mark that on my calendar!" Kristina replied. "So see you guys tomorrow at school then? Possibly Harry? Hmmmm?" she snickered.

I laughed, "Ha! You wish! You guys are always late at school and we always come early."

Emma laughed, "No we do not."

"Shut it." I smirked.

"Anyways! Say hello to Mrs. Evans for me!" I smiled.

"For me too!" Emma added.

"Sure! Mum would be happy to hear your hello's." Kristina smiled. "Duty calls!"

"Okay.. Bye then!" I bade.


"Bye guys, see you at school." Kristina repeated, hanging up, leaving Emma and I.

"So when's the next date?" Emma asked enthusiastically. I rolled my eyes though I knew she wouldn't see it.

"I don't really know.. Pretty excited though!" I replied, truthfully. I heard sniffling noises on the other side of the line. Is she crying? Like, literally?

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