The Midoriya's Dragon Guest

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After the whole "we're not in Fiore anymore" passed. Everyone was now in the kitchen, not wanting to stay in Inko's room anymore, due to them over crowding in it and.

The silver haired girl ate another chunk of ice cubes and a gulp of water with puffy cheeks full of her icy treats. Daisy nibbling on an orange fruit, seeming more calm than before. Thanks to Inko providing them with snacks.

Inko and Izuku watched this with interest of the girl's strange apitite. From what she has told so far, it regenerates and replenishes her magic.

"I still can't believe you're from another world, but here we are, talking too a mage and an orange cat." Inko knew something was different about the girl when she saw the orange cat, Daisy, resting in the girl's arms and spoke. It is normal to see a few animals with Quirks that help them communicate due to increase in intelligence. However, Daisy was far from a normal cat, no cat was orange and she meant purely orange, a very vibrant orange.

Not only that, the two radiated something off of them. She couldn't pinpoint it, but it was very calming and strong. Daisy had this air of calming power. Koyuki's had this aura of coldness and freshness oddly combined, with overwhelming power. Yet, it they were easily approachable.

Koyuki sighed happily, cold mist blew out of her mouth and the area around the girl felt chilly. The silver haired girl then smiled brightly to the two, "Yup~!"

"So-sorry that you had to provide some snacks, and thank you for helping us recover..." Were the shy stutter of the orange exceed. Koyuki seemed to choke on her ice in realization, "Oh yeah! I forgot!"

Turning to the two with her broad and toothy smile, revealing her canine teeth, "Thanks for helping us, Izuku."

Izuku blushed immensely, he wasn't use to Koyuki's informality of speaking first name bases. Ruffling his curly hair, and looking away from her bright blue eyes. He doubts anyone in his world had such vibrant blue eyes. "N-n-no problem Dra-Dragoon-san..."

"You can call me by my name."

"I can't do that! It's rude!" Exploded Izuku; face, neck, and ears were now painted red. Memory of uttering her name turned him into a red mess. Clearly Koyuki wasn't seeing it, "No it's not. Calling me Dragoon is too formal."

"Dragoon-san, it's just a custom our country has. To show respect, we call the person by their last name and end with 'san.'" Explained Inko, trying to lessen her son's embarrassed fluster.

"Oh! Now I understand..." The two sighed in silent relief, until "But please call me Koyuki. We're friends now." While smiling brightly, as if she didn't just skip second base.

Daisy bowing rapidly to the family of two, "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!"

The reason the young exceed was apologizing was due to Izuku's blushing red face. Hiding from view by covering his blushing face in his hands, while Inko sputteted and tried once more to reason with Koyuki.

The orange cat sighed, a clear pink blush on her fur "Koyuki, you can't just expect them to just do it. It's their custom."

The silver haired girl pouted, an evident pink blush on her baby cheeks, "But it would be weird to hear 'Dragoon' all the time."

Daisy only sighed, "That's your last name Koyuki, you should be use too your name."

"I guess it's the culture shock." Shrugging it as if nothing.

"Sp-speaking of culture," Interrupted Izuku, but clear excitment was in those emerald orbs of his, "What's your world like?"

"Well, where do I even start!"

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