The Announcement of the Culture Festival

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An- My artwork of skimpy bunny-suit Koyuki [and without the curse marks]. You may thank Rebecca for this~~


"It's school festival time."

Were the first sentence everyone in class A heard coming out of Aizawa's mouth, and all while being inside their yellow sleeping bag. Many of the young heroes and mage gapped at the man utterly stunned to these news. The next thing was the classroom filled with high shouts of awe, "ANOTHER SCHOOL-LIKE EVENT!!"

Tsuyu then remembered a certain child detained in a hospital quickly came to mind, "What about visiting Eri-chan, sensee?" Hearing the little girl's name coming from Tsuyu and the question, Koyuki turned to Shota for their answer. Wanting to see the child once more, even if it'll anger the man for discovering that she has been seeing the child behind their backs.

"Ah...we'll talk about that later." Not wanting to relay this with those who weren't involved in the previous mission.

However, Eijirou couldn't understand the sudden news. Frowning in dissatisfaction and suddenly stood to openly speak his thoughts, "For real? We're doing this despite what's going on in the world?"

Kaminari was taken aback to this from their spunky red head neighbor from behind, "Kirishima, you've changed."

Hanta, who sat next to Kirishima, thought over this and couldn't help to agree what their classmate was pointing out. "Wait, he's right. Even though all these villains are out there rampaging." With what's happening in Japan, many villains have begun to form groups instead of their solo mishap. This all started after the capture of All For One, believing since the League of Villains have become well known it seemed villains have followed their example and created groups. To say, things have become uncertain for citizens and young heroes.

Koyuki glanced at the many hesitant and worried looks her friends held, but couldn't help to feel pity for their worries. "I know you guys are worried about what's happening, but wouldn't it be unfair to the other departments?" Upon hearing Koyuki's statement, her close friend, Kirishima, turned to the girl, stunned. "It's not about holding concern nor fear, but allowing it to plaque your mind won't solve anything."

Seeing where she was coming from, especially thinking back. They held a sports festival and it started weeks after the USJ attack. Now seeing what the Slayer meant by unfair if they now held concern and straightened, "Ack! That's unmanly of me if I patronize other courses' in their event!"

Although quite pleased that his wizard student pointed out the hypocrisy and points concerning her friend's concern, Shota went into depth for the rest to see. "Dragneel's correct, U.A doesn't just consist the Hero department. The sports festival is where the Hero course has its chance to shine. So the school festival highlights everyone else. This doesn't get the same level of attention, but it's meant to be a fun event for the rest of the school. Not to mention, the new dorm system that started with the Hero course is a source of stress for many."

Unknowingly placed a burden for the rest of the classroom. Upon this, Kirishima slumped back in his seat sadly, "When you put it like that, yeah, it wouldn't be fair to them..."

"Right. Which is why we can't just simply cancel the event." Making himself comfortable in his corner, while sitting cozily in his yellow sleeping bag. Thankfully, the rest of the class have grown used to the man's habits of crawling to their "sleep" spot and allowed anyone taking the classroom's attention to take the reigns. Not that Koyuki's seen odd, to say, Aizawa's was less than the odd side to her perspective. The strangest thing is someone suddenly teething on someone's head or reenacting their fetish. Ah, yes, the perks of being born in Earthland. The odd for Earth is the norm to Earthland. "This won't be like in the past. In the festival will be open only to students, staff and a small group of outsiders." Showing that no press media nor citizens may enter. Which many could understand the reasoning, it's specially for the students. Like Aizawa has stated, the rest in the school have been quite on the edge all that's happened and needed to release that pent up stress through entertainment. "We aren't competing for the spotlight this time around, but each class will still have an exhibition of some kind. Today, you'll be deciding what that is." Throwing a impassive glance towards the class president and vice president, Iida and Yaoyorozu. Thus the two stood and took stage to begin brainstorming ideas for their class.

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