The True Monster

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An- Artwork from Lilliana.

WARNING: There is psychological and physical torture directed towards minors in this chapter.

You Have Been Warned.

The dark chrome wizard bleed on the grounds, unconscious. The rest of rogue wizards both aggressively and frantically launch their magic attacks on the Dragon Slayer. The possessed girl zig-zagged past the attacks and pounced the masked wizard. Vines breaking through the grounds and at the girl, but her iced claws swiped the plants. Continuing and smashing her iced fists to the wizard under her repeatedly. Braking the mask in half and revealing the man's rolled up eyes'. Tilting her head to dodge the blade aimed from behind, not seeing their shocked reaction from the dodge. Swiping their leg up and bashing their chin; sending them up in the air.

"Jackie!!" Cried out the eldest twin, pupils dilating in anger. Charging at the Slayer with an angered war cry. Threads of webs raining from behind; chaining her wrists, ankles, and neck in a tight vice. Smirking evilly at the catch, but quickly changed when they left the ground and was swung around and smashed into the trees. Not stopping when the twin vomited out his bowl, mixed with blood. Having no choice but release the threads on the girl; it was the worst decision. Barreling on the ground, plows of dust exploding in the air. Lying on the tree shattered, unconscious. With blood pouring from the edge of their lips and nostrils.

Daisy, who was in the thread users clutches, is now being held by her scruff in the hand's of the feminine wizard. Nervous sweat fell in waves, but glared angrily at the silverette, "Why isn't she obeying our command?!"

"You must to his...guild..." Snapping down to the voice, seeing the dark, slanted, orbs of the Exceed. "Your master will do anything...even use your lives for his cause..." At first, the man glared angrily at the small orange cat; but calmed to a defeated smile, "Ah, but is all for our masters..." Bringing Daisy in eye-level, "And if dying for their cause, I shall lay my useless life willingly." In which caused them to spread their lips into a malicious smile, "So die in the hands of your friend." Tossing her beaten form towards the Slayer, smirking in satisfaction at first till a shadowy bird swiped and encased the cat. Snapping to where they came from to the teen.

Tokoyami holding the Exceed in both arms. Izuku seeming a bit relieved in having the cat safely on their side, "Thank you, Tokoyami-san..." Hearing their hum, "I couldn't watch them continue to hurt the poor thing anymore."

Yet, Izuku couldn't help to still feel defeated in not saving her sooner; seeing her poor beaten state of being.

"In her...forehead..." Snapping him out of his self-blaming thoughts and the rest to tense, not quite use to her talking and being a living being. Both relieved in hearing her voice and concerned, "Daisy?!"

Shakenly pointing at the raging Slayer, who sliced water whips towards the forcefield that shattered to bits and cracking the wizard behind it, " of Zeref's...items..."

At this, he snapped to where the gem lied. Feeling cold sweat break out and realized how dire things have become, "You mean!"

"Dropping her paw and nodded, "'s an item of mind control..." Shakenly narrowing her orbs on the girl. She was becoming something she didn't want to become; against her will. She'll never forgive that man! What he doing to Koyuki, what he's doing to these people. "Get rid of it and we'll get Koyuki back." Cringing, shielding their ears at the mighty roar the Dragoon released, "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR!!"

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