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An- Artwork from Kira in Quotev.

Class continued smoothly even after Koyuki's emotional breakdown. (Though questions remained in the air and many needed answers to such reaction. Especially those close to the Dragoon.) Aizawa began to announce to all the students, "Your internships start in a week. For this all-important decision, I'll be handing out personalized lists to those who were drafted. You may choose from among those who scouted you."

"For those who were not drafted. The list I just passed out contains forty agencies from all over the country willing to accept interns." Seeing the page he held the school was offered from these agencies, "You will choose one from that list."

Many glancing their page or papers, "Each has a different specialty and region. Give your choice some real thought."

Many already chattering off about what hero agencies they wanted to intern and work for. Some hoping to work close within their comforts for having a specific Quirk others hoping to expose themselves to dangers of crime and minor villain battles.

"Submit your choices by this coming weekend." Were Shota's firm orders. Sero gaping at the fact they needed this soon, "We've got two days to pick?!"

While everyone chatted, Koyuki skimmed over the agencies names; some familiar, such as Detsugoro, Gang Orca, Best Jeanist, Backdraft, and so on in the list of names. And others new to her. But one caught her complete attention. Blinking in shock at the heroes name printed on her sheet, 'He drafted me?'

"Hey Koyuki-chan," Toru quickly paced to the silverette's side; though badly wanting to question her friend's emotional state of being. She'll question it in a more private space instead with all the ears in the room. But instead asked another important question, "who're you going for?"

"Endeavor." Shoto snapped his head to their direction in silent shock upon hearing his father's hero alias. Ochako and Izuku stopped their own conversation of which hero organization they're taking or will be deciding too. Stunned at hearing the mage's quick response and as well the number hero. The whole class stopped as well in obvious shock.

"Huh?" They started at first, till they all cried out loudly, "EEEH?!"

"How the fuck did you get his draft?!" Yapped the Bakugou, honestly appalled. Though he was "first" in the sports festival, he didn't see any hero that was above other than the number five hero, Best Jeanist.

Honestly, the mage wanted to know too. They didn't leave each other with great terms; especially how the man treated his son and the context behind his mannerism towards her. Yet she cannot deny the man's way of working as the number two hero could be beneficial too her. Including the fact she now has a Fire-Water mode. This may prove useful if she does choose to intern with the hero.

Tsuyu, the quickest one to snap out of her shocked stupor, "If you don't mind me asking Koyuki-chan, but, why?"

Glancing at the amphibian Quirk user then back to her sheet, "Since I have a mixed Quirk power up, maybe I'll get some tips from him. But not only that, from news papers and other articles, his handle on crimes is quite useful thing to be exposed to and see how he handles it." Nodding to herself, knowing that she reads magazines and newspapers, unlike most generations she's seen so far, "But that's my take on the hero."

Few openly gawked at such one-eighty character turn. Not much seeing her act this way. Only in rare occasions were they able to see this side of her.

"Koyuki-chan..." Toru started off fairly surprised, "you have very scary moments of being very analytical and perceptive of certain things."

"Huh?!" Sputtered out the mage, gapping at her best friend's bluntness.

Monstrous Hero- My Hero Academia x Fairy Tail (Oc)Where stories live. Discover now