Dusk till Dawn

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An- This epic artwork by Sharky__Samaaa.


"You do plan to torture me, though." Brandish threw scowls of suspicions towards the Fairy Tail mages, unsure what they plans they hold to whip information out of her. Already imagining this is first forms of tactic: express no ounce of malice and show sympathy towards your captive to break down their defenses to later manipulate their reasoning.

Lucy's smile never left her face even with such look of doubt towards herself. "Not at all." Until her reassuring smile dampen into a quivering one from her brunette friend's husky purr, "Unless that's what you want~?" Shivering, already imaging the others feline smirk thrown towards the bob haired woman, who seemed to scoot away from the lustrous woman who eyed Brandish. Her already dubious quirked brow furrowed deeply with a troubled look, many could say they saw them start sweating bullets at the fact they assumed the brunette is possibly a dominatrix.

"Cana!" Lucy practically jumped Cana to heel, the woman was having too much fun with the two from the way they flushed at their perverse comments. Leaving the three heroes watch with pink cheeks and deadpanned stares towards Alberona, who caught their stares, thus throwing a cheeky wink.

'No wonder Mineta likes Cana the most out of all the girls in Fairy Tail...' Yes, out of all the woman, Mineta favored the cards mage for their like minds of "Sexy talk." Even more when the girl actually had a conversation that poor Koda ran out the room with their innocent bunny and Kaminari nodding his head off with a beautifully flushed face. Jiro, who was within the same room with them, gawked at the sight of someone- a female in fact- has a near same mindset as the vessel of Lust. To say, Earthland has their pervy mage and Earth has their perverted hero.

Lucy only sighed, exhausted with her friend's teasing mannerism but mindlessly shook her head with a gentle smile. She knew she should've seen such response coming from Cana from a mile away but it still surprised her. Returning her sights on Brandish, wanting to ease the other's nerves, seeing they hadn't eased their tensed muscles after hearing the brunette's comment. "I've shared a bath with you. You don't seem like an evil person to me." It seemed what she said caused the bobbed haired mage to frown in stupor, not predicting such comment. Even going as far to blush from the mention of their past encounter, before they battled then captured them. Quite surprised that that's how the blonde shall deduce their character, just their little conversation inside a warm hot tub. Although she did demand them to strip if they wanted to stay a five foot woman and not five centimeters forever.

"Are you seriously that naïve or just that stupid?" Unlike them, Bakugou was exasperated at Heartfilia's response. Boggled of Lucy's mind and the fact that she's deciding their prisoner is innocent as a white dove by chilling in a tub! Of all things, a bath tub and the blonde is okay with this after knowing who they're facing with.

Veins practically pulsing her temple, Lucy threw an annoyed glare towards Bakugou. Not quite fond of their insult of her choice. "You're really pushing it."

At first, Brandish furrowed in surprise that there's more people inside the infirmary, until she turned towards those who remained silent between the wizards conversation. Flinching in shock in the beginning till slowly turned to contempt at the sight of the three. "Can't believe you other worlders are actually here... What a nuisance." Raising her nose at the sight of them, already irking Katsuki to witness at such attitude thrown their way. Kirishima, the brave saint, gripped their feisty companion from responding with a shake of their head. Knowing that they should leave this for Lucy to handle the woman. As if trusting some gut feeling, Brandish retuned her focus on Lucy and said, "You want to know about Layla?" Instantly, piquing Midoriya's interest to hear this name. Sadly, Izuku didn't have the honor of choice to know who this person was the moment Brandish' pupils glanced around the people in the room then back on Lucy with an unmoved stare. "Two conditions. First take these off," holding up their wrists to show their restraints, "and second, I want to talk to Lucy alone."

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