Fire Storm

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An- My artwork of Izuyuki/Kozuku. I can imagine their conversation going like this:

"I'm fine, Izuku."

"I told you to stop overexerting yourself. You always end up getting wounded."

"You're such a sweet worry-wort, my precious Hero~"

"Sweet talking isn't going to make me smile."

"Then why are you blushing?"


Months ago...

Fuyumi sighed tiredly, even if the woman sounded exhausted, she still retained a tired soft smile on her rosy pink lips. Her pale hair held up in a ponytail as she readied tonight's dinner for her family and their guest. Checking on the rice and miso soup as to not burn from focusing on the meal, smiling once they held its colorful concoction. The aroma of their food wafting and filling the kitchen, blanketing her form and her younger brother- who is setting the chopsticks and napkins around the table. The two siblings seemed to hold this knowing looks and smile or nonchalance. Something strangely new in the Todoroki residence.

Pouring herself broth on a little glass cup to test the flavor if it needed more spice or other ingredients to gain the perfect the amount, yet grinned pleasantly at the flavor. Glancing up from taste testing tonight's dinner, checking the kitchen's clock for the time. "They're still at it?"

"Mhm." Shoto hummed out in confirmation, walking over to his older sister to retrieve the bowls for the soups. Knowing that his sister referred the two that are outside, brawling during their training. "I've checked on them thirty minutes ago and they have yet to stop for a break."

Chuckling to herself, surprised that even her father has yet to stop their intense training with their quest. "Goodness, how is Koyuki-chan able to keep up such energy and match Otou-san's?"

Unable to contain the chuckle reverberating his throat, not catching Fuyumi's sweet grin once hearing her youngest brother's laughter. It sounded so nice to hear him laugh so freely, especially in his own home; and it's thanks to their guest- Dragoon Koyuki- that he acts this way. "You'd be surprised how energetic she is in school."

Smiling from this, as the two returned to setting the plates and food; before one of them to be chosen to pull the training duo out of the training grounds. With said people, Koyuki grinned cockily towards the scowling flame hero. Standing proudly and not in her usual battle stance, implying to show her opponent she didn't find him that threatening to be on edge or readied. Adding on the fact she crossed her arms over her chest, seeming cocky with the agitated man. "Giving up, Flamestache?"

Using their back hand to wipe away the growing sweat on their temple. Either from their overuse of their Quirk or the fact the teen was relentless in speed that baffled the hero. Possibly the amount of energy she still had during their whole spar. Clicking his tongue in frustration and displeasure of the given nickname from the silverette, "Respect your superior's, brat!"

Only gaining a mock laughter from the Dragoon, "Mah! It fits the name, Flamestache." Proving her point when the flames concealing the hero's face sparked in show of their emotions. Her smirk broadening once the man conjured flames in their fists, finding this amusing and as well exhilarating for another fight.

Teals seeming to narrow from the flames swirling from the girl's laxed feel to obey the man's bark. "You'll regret that smart tongue of yours." Yet, the man couldn't lie that he's never had such sparring partner as Koyuki who could push him further and further than she.

God damn brat...



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