Raid and Rescue: Assault

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An- Cover by OtakuPerson042.

Also, so MANY things are about to happen in this arc! I won't deny, my mind immediately thought of this gif of Jontron who's questioning Phil Swift need to repair hole, you know? The "But why? Why would you do that? Why would you do any of that?  As if it's directed towards me for what's to come.


"Finder's keepers, losers weepers! Woah oh ooh!"

"Yooou have mail!!"

Both Brendan Urie loudly sang and All Might's voice proudly bellowed out through the silence of Izuku's room, causing both teens in the shared bed to snap up awake from their respective alarms. Jumbled and dazed with sleep, both Midoriya and Dragneel still fought back sleep to see who even texted in so late in night. Koyuki reached out for hers sluggishly, yet fell over from her hazy fog of sleep. Though on the ground, she unlocked her phone and saw the message.

Their phones buzzed with texts from their mentors, informing them that the date was set and for them to immediately rush over to the Nighteye agency. The two turned to the other, faces serious. Finally, they'll accomplish their vows to rescue the poor child in this man's clutches.

"It's time."

"Let's go save Eri."


Sliding her horns in place, hearing the familiar beeps and clicks from the horn. Glancing up to see them erect, unlike their tilted crescents. While she fastened her costume, many of her friends talked amongst themselves. Seemingly nervous and awed at the swift work the police were making of themselves. Passing papers to the heroes for them to understand the procedure and plans they've formulated. Thanks to the court approval with the warrant, they're happily green lit to proceed with the raid. Not only that, but the fact that this was all so new for the younger heroes; not quite accustom to all this tension in the air. All feeling tense from the heroes and adults.

"Yeesh! It's like seeing the knights or military..." Murmured the female ravennette, fastening her glove and clipping her iron bracelet. The Moora twins couldn't help to nod in agreement.

"Seriously! It's so reminiscent of Fairy Tail's shenanigans." The female twin throwing her seductive smirk towards the silverette, who blinked towards them with owlish eyes. Charles nodded with his sister's words, "Right, right! The easiest, yet infamously obvious character to spot from the fairies."

Tsuyu raising a teasing brow towards her Dragon Slayer friend, grinning at this, "Quite the habit your guild holds, Koyuki-chan."

"Mm! Mm!" Hado nodded erratically, holding the broadest of grins.

Koyuki's pink lips twitching slightly, cheeks taking on a sweet pastel pink color. Rubbing under her nose, while glancing from the wizards knowing stares and both heroines cheeky grins, "As Daisy said, "Habits never die."" True, which ever wizard joins Fairy Tail they later adopt the infamous habits of destructions.

"Heroes." Many of them tensed into attention, quickly moving to their respective mentors. Each agencies complete attention on the chief of the police force. "They're probably gonna put up a fight, y'know."

Shira glanced to both of her partners, to which they both respectively nodded to their wizard partner. Straightening herself and cracking her knuckles, serious on beating up some thugs that're holding a child captive. If there's one thing the girl found disgusting, it's when an organization held children and used them for their evil causes. Brushing her bans, revealing her left eye and the five scars over it. "So if you spot any one of them resisting or trying anything funny, I'm counting on you guys to deal with it!" Charles glanced to where his younger twin stood, seeing them in her group and having their arms crossed. Though she seemed nonchalant, he knew under that façade is a raging woman. Ever since they heard of the child's captivity and the tortured use of experimentations of drugs to destroy Quirk while repairing the destroyed body part. Though she may openly show her discontent with those with Quirks, but they don't know the whole reason to that starting such open disgust. Nonetheless, Crystal wasn't cold to neglect a child's cries of help. "We're up against a mafia group that's somehow survived until now, so don't let your guards down for a second. Get in there and do what you've gotta do!" Koyuki stood beside Izuku, azures holding her reptile slit seriousness. Shoulders becoming rigid from the two hands placed on her. Glancing side to side to see Izuku and Mirio giving reassurance, knowing they're by her side and they'll succeed in saving Eri. Nodding to them, throwing her broad grin with her toothy smirk that promised the enemies are getting a good beating.

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