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An- My Artwork~~

Amorous: (adjective) Showing, feeling, or relating to sexual desire.

So happy to write such intimate moment between the two. Or as Cana would like to say, "Bed fucking! Devil's Tango! Mating!" Hilarious enough, this chapter is purely dedicated of them making love~ And what I mean is, this is 41 and half pages with 13,100 words. Yep! So mature content ahead, folks!


"Izuku...will you mate with me?" Obsidians stared directly into his stunned emeralds, pleading. Izuku only gaped at the girl in utter awe, while barely breathing due to utter shock of her sudden request. He was gobsmacked! Is he hearing this correctly? Did Koyuki actually ask if he wanted to... What?

This was far from what he imagined! Unlike his imagination of her emitting wave of confidence and lustrous act that would surely make him flustered. Until reality set in, Koyuki was more surprisingly shy, yet determined on her request. Something that made him far more bashful and tongue tied than his imagination could ever.

With the growing silence surrounding the two, hesitance grew within the Dragneel. Becoming timid when he didn't respond for the past few minutes; taking this as a silent rejection, "Ne-Never mind. Forget--"

"Koyuki. How bad did you wanted me?"

Flushing deeply at the question, glancing away as to not meet his meek stare, "I...I..." Rubbing under her nostril shakenly, "I couldn't help but remember...whe-when you were playing with the girls, and I couldn't contain such...burning desire." The tip of her nose and earlobes begun to redden considerably, knowing her desires were far from pure. Of course the sight of her lover entertaining and playing with her daughters brought the mage utter happiness. But it didn't just bring her innocent joy, a burning need to just claim him brewed. Feeling turned on by seeing her lover seemingly be a father-figure to Eri and Helena. Of course she has had such feelings before, but it wasn't as strong as in the past couple days and she's desperately craving her green haired lover. Feeling embarrassed, Koyuki clenched her eyes tightly shut.

Seeing her meek look on her face and along her growing blush, eyes clenched and biting her bottom lip. Izuku understood that it's normal for romantic partners to feel sexual for the other sooner or later. He wasn't going to lie, he felt the same way, too, for the past months yet became afraid he may be going too far and too fast. Yet seeing Koyuki's beguiling ways and attractive perks, he couldn't help to let his mind wonder a bit, before he snapped himself back from thinking any further. Which, honestly, is far too late where his mind has gone. But hearing Koyuki, herself, admit to doing the same and asked if he wanted to bed her...

He didn't know how to react!

She did say that once Dragon Slayers reach maturity they'll have high libido. Possibly those who are much more dominate have the higher need to claim their chosen partner. And here she is, asking for his consent if he wished to make love to her. His heart hammered against his ribcage, almost wanting to be freed from its constricted cage; beating from the sight of their sweet lover become timid.

What should he even do?

~{Make love to her.}~

Swallowing down his nervousness, finally speaking after his prolonged silence, "In the bottom drawer, next to the bed. There's..." Glancing away shyly what he's about to utter, especially when the box of such products safely hidden inside the cabinet. "...Condoms."

"Wah?!" Gawking in complete shock towards the nervous greenette, "Wh-Why do you have that?" Cheeks blooming bright pink upon hearing this, almost burning crimson from this surprising reveal. Was he expecting something like this? No, why did he even have such thing in the first place? This was far out of his character!

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