The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia

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An- My [old] artwork of Helena.

Okay, this chapter was supposed to be posted the following week, but my mind was like "No, 9, you need to publish it. Everyone will be quivering anxiously. It'll be amusing~!" My thoughts are such sadists, but that's me being me. Before you read, will please remember to play the clip that's on the book's header? I'm sure it'll excite everyone with the meaning ;D


Combing his green mop of curls back through his fingers from further shielding his eyes, although it didn't do much to help since it returned to their usual position. Changing focus on somewhere else, Izuku noted his suit's sleeve rose up. Tugging up his sleeve, the One For All user eyed his suit for any wrinkles on his person. Smiling, pleased that there was none at all to be seen, thanks to his basic ironing skills. That is until someone else spotted something on him that cannot be ignored. "Midoriya-kun! Your tie is all crooked." Izuku almost jumped out of his skin from Tenya's close perimeter and undid the greenette's red tie.

"Oh, ah, Iida-kun, you don't have to do that--"

"I insist!" Asserting his aid, "Also, you're setting an example for the school." Izuku suspected such response from their Class President, yet couldn't help to chuckle nervously for their insistence to fix his ghastly tying a tie skills. Snapping out of his thoughts from hands clamping around the greenette's shoulders in a firm grip, "So back straight and shoulders on your sides!" Poor Izuku stood there dubiously, while Tenya had his way with the smaller male. Scolding when ever the freckled face teen slouched a bit when released or air chopping when Midoriya's arms twitched nervously in a defense mechanism.

"What a mom."

"Pardon?!" Flexing his arms robotically at the jab from Denki and Minoru, which the two snickered. Uncaring if they were caught red handed for their teasing. Until the class male started stalking his way over their direction that did the two booked it when Iida mentioned, "Must I reiterate about manners? Do we need another two hour explanation!" Ah, those were the days when they first entered dorms and Tenya spouted about rules, mannerisms, and cleanliness.

While Tenya focused on the two, Yuga took the chance to approach and place his two cents, "You gotta walk naturally, mon amie." Shaking his head sadly at their green haired friend's pitiful sight, trembling after going through Tenya's scolding for reminding them where they're heading to. Which has honestly shaken Midoriya to the core to the point of quivering in his red oversized shoes. Granted, they were already trembling before being caught under Iida's clutches. "You're walking as your legs are made of noodles!"

"Is it that obvious?" Aoyama watched the greenette flinch once again, and it was from the sweet natured Koda- who's voice was barely considered loud enough to make a cat jump. "Midoriya-san, are you alright?"

"Ko-Koda?!" Flushing in embarrassment that it's proven true. Waving off Koji's concern and as well hoping to ease the other with a shaky grin. "Ye-Yeah, I'm fine." Thankfully, he accepted Midoriya's assurance and excused himself to join Mezo's little circle with Ojiro and Sero. Allowing Izuku to slouch with a sigh to release albeit stress in his bones. Glancing up to the golden blonde's soft chides, "See!"

"I guess so." Agreeing that he has been quite jumpy after returning from the mall-- No, it was during him getting ready. He could count his fingers the many times he tripped on his own two feet in search of socks! Socks, for goodness sakes. Rubbing his nape in effort to ease the tension in his muscles. "I'm so nervous! They'll have newscast and other stations filming the Prime Minister's speech and portion of the party. I'm afraid I'll screw up or something." He didn't want to make a complete fool of himself when he wasn't looking and they'll catch something embarrassing of him.

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