Frightening Insight and Nomu, the Anti-Symbol of Peace

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An- Artwork from NotYourDamsel in Quotev.

With Daisy...

'I hope Koyuki isn't causing any commotion.' Sighing to herself, while stealthily sneaking in the halls of U.A. Wanting to move around for a bit before class 1-A returns. 'Knowing the amount of damage a competitive Dragon Slayer, especially a Fairy Tail mage, can cause...'

Sighing again at the memories of Koyuki and Natsu grabbing each other in a headlock. Fire and water competing the other for dominance. Happy only making things worse for cheering them on. Smiling a bit at the thought of her brother, 'I wonder how Happy is doing...?'

"Well now." Freezing stiff, her dark round eye's slowly looked up to see a creature that looks both like a mouse and dog fussed to one. His furr white as snow, dark pupils, and a elegant posture. Wearing a black vest, white sleeve dress-shirt, dark dress pants and sports shoes. Smiling down at the stiff orange exceed, "You're up and about, Miss."

Daisy has never felt extremely vulnerable, as this very moment.

Moments later...

Daisy was now glaring down the nervous blonde hero heatedly. Nezu, the school's principal watching this with clear entertainment. Seeing as the number one hearing trying not to meet the small cat's glare, "How much have you told them."

'Sugar Honey Ice Tea!!' Almost sweating bullets at seeing the familiar glare from the young exceed. Glancing away nervously from the female, "Ah...A-All that I know so far..."

"ALL MIGHT!!!" Paws raised in exaggeration of "WHY?!"

"Only the principal and Aizawa-kun know!!" Hands raised to calm the exceed. It didn't seem to calm her, seeing her tail puffed in frustration. Waiting for his response of reasoning with arms crossed. "I'm listening."

'I feel like a child caught doing a prank...' Coughing into his fist, "Both, Nezu-san and Aizawa-kun were already intrigued in Dragoon-san's performance in the entrance exam and questioned her performance. Seeing as it being quite strange that someone such as Dragoon-san, wasn't much held back by her limitations of her "Quirk." When in fact, there's no limitation for the Dragoon," but it was shear stamina."

"Yes!" Interrupted the white creature, smiling at the frowning Daisy. "I found it very strange about the child. Seeing the other examinees fight and struggle with their Quirk's limitation and setbacks, even the recommended students' have limitations of their Quirk's as well."

"We, Aizawa-kun and I, begun to investigate and look into Dragoon-san's background. However, we only knew that the Midoriya's are hosting her. Age and graduated from her past middle school. But nothing much about her birth nor records of family. We thought she was an immigrant from another country and didn't want to put it on records. But it was not the case..." Glancing at the nervous blonde hero, "Discovering All Might's connection with Dragoon-san through his new successor, Midoriya Izuku, we finally discovered why."

Daisy feeling a cold sweat at his serious words, "She's from an another dimension."

Gulping nervously, eye's down casted, "Are... Are you going to detain us with this information?"

"Heavens no!" Waving his paw rapidly and comically, "I was drowning in curiosity and couldn't sleep without knowing more about Dragoon-san! You don't hear about people from other dimensions. However, it does concern me to hear that there's unkindly wizards in our world and young children are after them."

"It's understandable," Smiling shyly at first, then became serious to make her point, "but it is our duty to capture these rogues before they think of using those items in their possession." Nezu perked up at the mention of these "items" Daisy speaks of, "Forgive my rudeness, but, what is so important about these items you speak of?"

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