Selfish Sin

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An- Artwork by BakaAnimeReader. *Points at Mature sign* You can't tell me nothing.

"You fought?!"


Were the first thing both Mina and Toru uttered. While everyone else scolded the two for their actions, though Koyuki had a different response, "A fight is good for the soul. Everyone in Fairy Tail fights, just not to the death thankfully." Wearing a red ribbon, wrapped around her pixie hair and nape, giving her this innocent sense of look. Wearing her uniform, but without the coat for the summer semester.

Both pinkette and invisible threw their poker faces at the mage's response, "Koyuki-chan...please. Don't encourage them."

Shrugging lazily with a smile, "Habits never die."

Though disappointed as the rest, Ochako held concern for the two boys, "But still, didja make up in the end?"

"Make up? Not exactly, but, well..." Stressing to explain how it went, "It's hard to put into words..."

While Tenya seemed to differ than the brunette, "A fine job you've made of it, getting punished! I suppose you two will be absent at today's opening ceremony!" Steam still puffing from the bluenette, even when Koyuki wrapped an arm over his neck, "Geez, Tenya. You're working yourself up for a little fight?"

"A little fight?!" Miffed at the silverette's words, "How can you compare that a little fight when they've obviously broke the rules! Especially out at night!"

"They didn't destroy the area like my brother and I. We'd go all out and bust up buildings. It gets wild when Gray gets involved." Grinning, even at the mention of how chaotic she and her older brother can be, including the third party.

Seemingly indifferent at her words, "I see why Cementos has to carry pain killers now." Causing Koyuki to bellow in laughter at this.

Ochako then perked up excitedly, "Speaking of your brother and friend; when are you getting that item that wizard spoke about?"

"Today in the afternoon!" Grinning even broader at the mention of Rebecca being in the lacrima, "I cannot wait for you guys to meet Fairy Tail!"

Few joining in her excitement; Denki smirked at the mage's excitement, "Heh, is there someone special to you there?"

"Well, yeah, my once assumed adopted brother is biologically my brother." Jiro took the honor to smack Kaminari upside the head; smiling happily for the Slayer, "Seriously? That's great to hear."

"But how come you two didn't know you both were related?" Eijirou butted in, unable to comprehend to this.

"Well..." Scratching her cheek in embarrassment, "We didn't notice the little features we both shared. I mean--" Waving over her face and hair, "The only thing we have similarities in features is the smile, nose, and few spiked hair in my locks. He has pink hair and really dark brown eyes. I have silver hair and blue eyes."

"Oh..." Now understanding, it wasn't that simple. Perking up when Sero patted his back, "All right, we gotta head out or we'll be late to the open ceremony."

"See ya. Have fun cleaning this place." Jested Kaminari, few chuckling at their suffering, seeing that their punishment was to clean up their dorm for four days for Katsuki and three days for Izuku. Vacuuming the carpets, sometimes with their heads down.

Quickly looking back when she caught their eyes, The youngest Dragneel smiled brightly and waved; before rushing off to catch up with the other. Spirits high knowing she'll see her family once more, even through lacrima connection.

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