Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry

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An- My chibified artwork.

Handful of those who waited for the next assignment, hanged onto the walls or the seats that they sat on. The earth shook under them from what ever was happening outside with the other examinees. Shoto, who was one of the first of his classmates to pass, knew, right off the bat, that it was Koyuki battling intensely with someone. Yet he couldn't know who it was that was able to be on par or near her level of power to cause the earth to shake.

"Are you all right, Koyuki?" Clear frown of worry on his brows, yet to catch the glare from the boy, Yanase, who interrupted their high school chant.

Aizawa frowned seriously, critically watching the youngest Dragneel combat with another female- a wizard- with similar magic as her, yet the waters were a starry warp of water. 'This was not precedented...' Narrowing his dried eyes onto the two Slayers, Koyuki swiped up her clawed ice. The bluenette leapt back, flipping in midair; digging their fingers into the ground and smiled up to the silverette. Charging at the other and fists flying and connected for the force of winds to blow the rubbles back from the force of their strengths.

Miss Joke felt a nervous sweat at the sight of the two girls fighting, "Isn't that one of yours? The mage one-- I mean, Dragoon-chan?"

Humming, confirming that yes, that is his student who suckered punched the girl under their chin, "I swear." The green haired heroine glanced the man, curios now; seeing the irked reaction on the man, "She's too competitive for her own good."

Connecting their fists to the others face, smirks still present on both girl's faces.

"Not bad." Swiping her leg up and connecting the bluenette's face; sending them flying and smashing through the risen rocks. Tilting her chin up to the Water God Slayer, "But you got some work to do." Stepping back, the earth before her sliced in a straight line, azures glancing to the one that caused such cut. The one named Hana, from the distance and beside the sharp shooter, Shira; both held narrowed eyes on the Fairy Tail wizard.

Smirking at this, "Now I get the feeling, a storm is coming." Cracking her fists, causing them to freeze up; creating hardened iced fists. Which was enough for Hana to charge in, crossing her scissor blades and sounding off a clang. Shira aimed her large sniper, cocking it and releasing its bullet; her visible eye widening and revealed scope-like vision, locking onto her target. Digging her teeth on her lollipop stick, "Target Locked" The head of the gun powering up with lighting charging in, "Triple Shot!" Sonic winds blasted behind her, the earth shattering under knee's and feet. The golden bullet separating into three. Hana leapt up and twirled in midair, dodging the zooming bullets.

Koyuki clicked her tongue, pushing her feet forward, causing Shira to feel her orb widen, 'She's not going to dodge it?!'

Roaring out, with such speed, she flicked the first bullet up to the skies; exploding in air and ringing out with a shrilling squeals. Swiping her leg at the second and sending it to the side, smashing her foot down and pivoted to grab the third and final bullet; with narrowed azures of excitement, fling forward the glowing bullet back to its owner. The ravennette felt the hair's on her back stand in horror, "Oh shit--" Flipping away and rolling on the earth; crying out at the explosion behind her.

Clicking her tongue, Hana sliced thrice and sent torrent of winds to the Slayer. Bringing her iced arms up and cringed the blast from such force, digging her feet in the earth and in which shattered the earth; to the point it cratered the earth up. Crying out, the winds pushing her hands up and revealing the slices on her ice; glaring up to the damage on fists. Turning to the purple-magenta haired mage rushing to her, drawing back their swords, 'Now she's a tough one.' Yet a smirk bloomed on her lips, "I'm ready for a storm!!"

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