The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl

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An- My artwork of the two cinnamon roles~


Izuku's side of the story

Izuku couldn't comprehend what to do, neither what to think. He just basically allowed his emotions to take control and almost kissed Koyuki once again and ultimately backed out. This wasn't like last time where Koyuki dismissed his attempts. He, indeed, crossed the line and violated her space. "I have to apologize to her." Quickly rushing to his door and readily to turn the knob, until a thought rushed in mind. 'But...that contradicts my emotions.' Staring at the stainless doorknob, emeralds quivering at this realization. Not only that, is that alright? 'Is that right to apologize? I keep doing this and just wave it away or back out...' Clenching his eyes shut, greatly hesitant and conflicted. 'I can't keep doing this to her! It's not fair to her nor myself!'

Slamming the door open and was met Ochako's serious face, "Deku-kun."

"U-Uraraka-san?!" Yelping back in surprise, not expecting the brunette on the other side of the door. He didn't even hear her footsteps either.

"I need to talk to you." Glancing the ground for a second before her round chocolate orbs met his emeralds, "It's about your romantic interest in Koyuki."

"Uraraka...-san...?" Becoming nervous upon hearing the girl drop the honofic for the Dragneel. But was also unsure what was happening, why the question all of the sudden? He felt put on the spot by them too.

"Deku-kun... When did you realized it."

Ah, when the day when he finally realized his feelings for Koyuki. The day he gained a wake up call of realization for the reason behind his spastic behavior. " the training camp." His freckled cheeks flushing, if weren't for Sero questioning him and wondered if Midoriya hoped to further his relationship with the Slayer. "After everyone ate lunch and went to the hot springs, Sero-san questioned our relationship. At first, I was honestly flustered about it. A relationship with Koyuki? It never really crossed my mind. But then...I realized" Unable to contained the blooming grin on his face, "I actually viewed Koyuki more than just my best friend and partner. I liked her. Yet, that wasn't even the surface of it all."

Yes, not only was during training camp did he realized he viewed Koyuki more than a friend, it was the time of that awful event. "The moment she was in a coma, I felt like the world become dark and bleak." The world seemed colorless and dull, drained with the mage laying in the hospital bed. He literally couldn't function without knowing Koyuki was alive and well. "When Cheney-san confessed to her, I was envious of his bravado." How the Dragon Slayer declared their romantic interest for the youngest Dragneel. "When Moora-san kissed her and stole Koyuki's first kiss, I was enraged for Koyuki that she stole something so special to her. But in all honesty, I think I've loved her longer than I knew. I probably knew way before and I just hid it because I was scared." Yes, if only he didn't listen to rumors and gossip behind his back, maybe, just maybe things would have been different. Now, now he needed to overcome this fear, "Even so, even if I was scared of these emotions and the thought of rejection or fear that she'll be unnerved by my sudden view of her, it never stopped." Indeed, none of these emotions, not with knowing there's people also attracted to her nor for that fact she's from another world.

"It's true..." He, Midoriya Izuku, truly indeed, "I love Koyuki Dragneel with all my heart and soul."

"Deku-kun..." At first, she seemed stunned at his proud proclamation. Until she, too, looked to him with her own flare. "I like Koyuki too." At Uraraka's honest confession, Izuku stood in shock. So he was right, Ochako also fancied Koyuki. But what further stunned him were her next words, "But because you're my friend and known her longer, I'm giving you a chance to confess to her first. Before I do..." With this, she left without another word. Watching them walk down the hallway and towards the elevator, the door's opening and closing behind her.

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