I love you

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After a couple hours, we had some snacks and we sat on his bed, talking. He had told me that his friend had climbed a 100-foot crane without any safety.

'There is no way your friend did that.'

'He so did. He's practically Tarzan' he wiggled his brows.

I giggled.

An awkward silence held in the room.

'Where did the name Addison come from?' I asked

'Well, my name is actually an old English name which the etymological meaning is 'Son of Adam'. Also, a Scottish patronymic surname which is the 'Son of Addie.'

'Alright smartass.' I laughed

He stared at me, 'What about Zariah? Where did that come from?'

'Um... My name actually has three origins: The Arabic 'Zara', which means 'flower'. The Hebrew 'Azaria' which means 'God has helped' and the Russian 'Zaria' which means 'a sunrise or dawn'. Yeah, my name has a lot of different stupid meanings.'

'It's not stupid.' he mumbled 

'But I like 'Addison'. It's a nice name. It's different.' I smiled

'I love 'Zariah'.' his eyes were still on me.

His eyes kept on staring. Not looking away. I decided to actually make a step in my life. Not be the fucking wimp that I've been my whole life. 

The bed creaked as I leaned close to him. I made my lips meet his. They were warm and soft. His lips didn't move at first. They flinched, but then gradually kissed me. My first kiss. 

I kissed the rim of his lips, then the whole. He hesitated a little. I felt as if he was holding back but he wasn't. He wanted to kiss me. 

I felt his lips push back into mine. 'I love you.' I whimpered into his mouth. 

His lips kissed me harder, 'I love you' I repeated, whimpering like a baby. 

My arms curled around his neck, pulling him close to me. 'I love you.' I said again, on the verge of tears. My fingers tangled in his hair as he progressively kissed my jawline. His breathing down my neck was phantasmagorical. I leaned back on his pillow, him towering over me. His hands gripped my sides gently. 'I love you...' I breathed heavily. I think this was the most intimate moment of my life. Then, I heard the most beautiful thing in the world. 'I...,' he whispered 'I love you too.' 

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