I thought we talked about this

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The girl rushed through the trees, following the jabber-jay, hearing her sisters screams in the distance. But she had left her fiancee behind, causing the force field to separate them for an hour until the screams stopped. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.

I was watching her every move with her bow as I lay next to Addison on his bed.

'Zar.' he said, interrupting my concentration of the film.



He handed me his phone. It showed on Google in black and white about, 'if it's ok for a 14-year-old to date a 19-year-old'. It read:

'It's not illegal to date, but you cannot legally consent to any sexual contact until you are 16. There is nothing illegal as long as there is no sexual contact. Any sexual contact before age 16 is illegal and could support a conviction of your boyfriend even if it was totally consensual. Dating is not illegal.'

I sighed 'I thought we talked about this, Add.'

'I know, I know. But I saw it there and had to show you.'

I puffed out air, 'We talked about this 2 weeks ago. Do you want to date me?'

'Hey, of course, I do.'

'Okay, good. Stop showing me this. I know.' I muttered

'I'm sorry' he soothed

'It's fine. Don't worry about it. No sex, I get it.'


We resumed watching the movie holding our hands tightly until he asked something awkward.

'Have you fully developed yet?' he said slowly


'Uh... You have..'

'Yes, Addison. I do have periods. And yes, they are regular.' I laughed

He laughed too. An awkward laugh.

'You're like my fucking mother.' I sniggered.

We finished the film and decided to go walk at the beach. It was close by and was only a 5-minute walk there.

The sea, at night, was incredible. Just walking on the stony beach was sensational. Holding hands with Addison made everything even better. I looked up at him slightly. Not technically 'up' because I was 6'0. He was 6' 4. We sat down on the pebbles and stared at the glistening sea. The moon was so bright it created white sheets of shine on the water.

I stared at Addison and gave him a kiss.

'Remember...,' he said in my mouth 'Keep... Our... Relationship.. a secret'

I took over his lips, laughing and pushed him down on the stones. I lay gently on top of him and pecked his cheek and lips.

After, I walked home. Got into the empty lifeless house and got the blade from the kitchen, walking up to my room. He still doesn't know.

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