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Addison and I treated ourselves to a fancy restaurant, a week after he was released from the hospital. 

I flicked through my clothes in the wardrobe and pulled out the only dress that I had. It was a red velvet dress that stopped just before the knee. It had short sleeves that were folded and sewn into themselves. Also, a V-neck on the chest, showing off some cleavage completed the dress. 

I scraped it off the hanger and took off my clothes. Replaced my white bra for a red one and then stepped into the dress. I pulled it up past my stomach and slid my hands through the sleeves. I zipped it up behind my back, up to my neck. I looked at myself in the mirror. Then turned my body to the side. My stomach. I'm showing. It's quite noticeable. It's round and pokes out of the dress. I held it. Stared at my stomach. Then I noticed... My boobs had gotten bigger too. A lot bigger... Addison is going to find out something is wrong and-

'Ready?' he asked 

I looked at Addie and took my hand away from my abdomen. He was wearing a tuxedo.

'Yeah.' I smiled nervously. 

'You look beautiful.' he gently said. 

'You don't look so bad yourself.' I giggled

I took his arm and we left to this restaurant. 

The lights around us were so romantic. Addison was sitting opposite me. I stared at him. His hair was still thin but he combed it in a way that it looked quite normal. But it's not as poofy and thick as it used to be. He smiled at me. 

'Take a picture. It'll last longer.' he sniggered

I laughed. 'Sorry. I just can't stop staring at you.'


'I don't know. Just you, I guess.' 

The waiter came over and poured two glasses of champagne. 

'Addison.' I mouthed as the waiter poured the sparkly liquid into the glass.

'What?' He mouthed back. 

'I'm underage.' I gestured 

'He doesn't have to know.' he said in a very quiet whisper. 

The waiter left as I started laughing quietly. 

'I can't believe you're giving me champagne.' I rolled my eyes. 

'Don't you like champagne?' he smirked

'I don't mind it.' I was about to take a sip but then I remembered I was... something, yeah. 'Then again, I think I might skip. Sorry, I just... It makes me lightheaded.'

'No don't worry, I understand. You're young and haven't got a high tolerance for alcohol.' 

Our meals came after 10 to 15 minutes. I ordered a steak and mash while Addison ordered lamb and roast potatoes. 

'This is amazing.'  I said as I took a bite of the steak. 

'Same here.' he chewed. 

'You know,' I swallowed my food 'You have put on some weight. I can tell.' 

He looked at himself 'Hm, I guess I have a little. I'm not as muscly as I was.' 

'You are a little muscly. The thing is with you, you put on weight and it somehow goes to your muscles and not to your sides and stomach.' I giggled. 

He laughed too. 

We finished our meal soon enough and then we decided to skip dessert and go home. 

He paid. Of course. I wanted to but he took me out.

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