"All Of This Is Not A Coincidence"

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NOT PROOFREAD. Surre 4 grammar errors.
*•*•*•*Kookie's POV*•*•*•*
"Dare mess with us again! Next time, I'll kill you for sure!!" A man yelled as he kicked me and punched me. His friends laughed and joined him. I lay on the ground lifelessly as I watched them walk away, leaving me in the dark alley, in the deep dark night. I didn't have the strength to get up so I just lay there, hoping someone will come by.

I'm sure 25 minutes have passed, and no one had passed by. But I heard someone running and panting hard, I opened my eyes and saw two legs standing in front of me. I couldn't look up at their face, but this person picked me up and carried me out of the alleyways.

"W-Who..?!" I try to struggle but my body hurt so much I couldn't do anything.

"Kids these days...Why are they causing so much trouble? Ugh.." I heard a male voice groan."Yah. Are you alive?" The guy looked down at me and I clearly saw his face, with the moonlight sparkling over him.

He looked like one of those Prince that would be there to save their Princess. He was like a Superhero. He was like a Hero.

"...L-Let me go...! I don't need your help..!" I said trying to wiggle my way out.

"...Yah. You want me to leave you out here?" He said and sigh. He walked over and sat me on a bench near by."What are you doing in the middle of the night? Where are your parent? What in the hell did you get yourself into?"

He started shooting questions at me,"It's none of your business."

"Why grade are you in? How old are you?" He asked staring at me forcefully.

"...4th grade..9 years old...Name's Jeon Jungkook.." I mumble.

"4th grade?!? Yah! Did you run away from home?!?" He shouted.

"None of your business.."

"I'm your Hyung. I'm an 8th grader, 13 years old. Show some respect."

"Respect my ass. Why the fuck should I respect someone like you?" I snickered.

"Watch your mouth. Kids like you shouldn't use those words." His expression harden.

"What? Are you a pure angel? Can't take my language? What a loser.." I chuckled but he didn't give any respond.

"A loser..? I think you're more of a loser."

"Huh?" I looked over at him, and his expression surprised me. It was grim and dark, I thought his eyes were turning red for a second.

"A Low Life Fighting A Low Life? Pathetic."

The word Low Life shot deep down inside, and it felt like those words spread poisonous acid inside my body.

"Where are you parent? Do you know their number? Give them a call to pick you up." He took out his phone hand it over to me, I hesitated.

"What's wrong?" He looked over.

"...Why did you help me?" I asked.

"...You looked really pathetic, that's why." His words were as sharp as knifes but he was so straight forward."And beside...Do I Need A Reason To Help Someone?"

This guy was weird. I don't understand anything he is saying. Maybe it's because I'm too young..Or maybe because I've never helped anyone before.

"You're really pathetic...How long are you gonna wear that tough mask? Everything is written all over your face, there is nothing to hide." He saw right through me.

"I...I'm not pathetic..." I mumble.

".....Well, Anyways you should get going, it's getting late."

"I'll walk home and No. You don't have to walk me home, I can do it myself." I gave him back his phone and got up to leave.

"Don't walk around like that." He suddenly said.

"Walk around like what?"

"Don't wear a mask. Don't act all tough. It's okay to be weak. When you pretend and act, you're not cute at all. Kids around your age are pretty cute, but you're no where near the word cute." He beamed a smile.

"Tsk! Cute my ass. Who said I wanted to be cute anyways. You don't know shit about me." I said and walked off.

I thought back to what that guy words and felt relieved. I thought to myself..Maybe he understands me. Maybe our encounter was something special. Maybe I can finally be free from my cage.
•~•~•~•8 Years Later•~•~•~•
"Yah!! Kookie! Gonna hang out with us or are you still gonna go and search for that guy again?" My best friend Taehyung put his arm around me with his boxed smile. The bell just rang signaling the end of the school day.

"Don't touch me," I brush off his arm,"You guys have fun..I'm not coming today either."

"It's been over 8 years hasn't it? You'll never meet him again! It took you 2 years to find out his name, so how are you gonna find HIM?!" Taehyung shouted with a voice that was deeper then the ocean.

"I'll find him so just go and have fun with them. Don't worry about me."

"Please! Just for today! Jimin miss you a lot you know? Please! Just for today! Please? Leader-nim?" Teahyung flickered his eye lashes with his puppy eyes which almost made me puke.

"Okay! Okay! Just for today!" I yelled. We both walked over to the alleyway near the arcade where we always meet up.

"Leader is finally here!" Jimin fist me hard on the chest. Yoongi and RM were busy drinking together. And J-Hope was making cool graffiti on the building.

That's right. This is my little gang. All of them are cheerful and sweet, but when it's time for the real deal. Who knows what kind of demon possess them. We all sat down together and spent our time together as we always do and demolish anyone who wants to ruin it.
"Bro! Did you see Jimin's forehead? It was about to bleed! Hahahah!! Maybe it was a bit extreme!" Taehyung laughed out loud on our way home. We live near each other so we'd always walk together.

"Yea? Like flicking someone's forehead when they lose the game? That's not my kind of game. Not extreme enough." I said boldly.

"Whatever~" Taehyung kept following me as we turn the corner, but a shadow bumped onto me and sending both of us to the ground.

"Ouch...!" I heard a voice say.

"Tsk! Are you blind..? Watch where you're going..!" Taehyung helped me get and that person got up as well, and looked up at me.

And just like that night, his face was surrounded by the moonlight. I quickly took a grip of his hand tightly."Seokjin..!! You're Kim Seokjin right..?!?" I asked anxiously. The guy stared at me in silent.

Our Encounter. All Of This Is Not A Coincidence. The Two Of Us Found Fate.

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