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"The evil queen was gonna kill the princess! BUT!!" I tried to continue but some kids were laughing and giggling. "What?"

"You said but(t)!" One of the kids say and the others burst into laughter.

"Haha. Very funny. Let me continue," I glared at them and they all became quiet. I clear my throat after getting their attention and continue. "The handsome prince rush in and save his princess! They defeat the evil queen and lived happily ever after!" I closed the book and all of them clapped and cheered.

"Why does it always end like that?" The clapping was stopped by a small voice from the back row. Everyone looked at the little boy who spoke up.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"The Prince always saves the princess and they live happily ever after? What if things didn't happen like that..? What if the Prince wasn't able to save the Princess..?" He asked and the others started whispering and murmuring. What the fuck is wrong with this kid?

"You're right," a voice said. We all turned our attention to Jin who was leaning against the door. "Sometimes it's the Princess who kills the dragon and saves the Prince." The little boy smiled as he was satisfied with Jin's answer.

"But Princesses don't fight dragons! They are beautiful and graceful!" One of the girl's blurt out.

"Not all Princess. Did you guys know?" Jin raised his eyebrows. "I'm a Princess myself, and I fight pretty well," Jin said flipping his imaginary hair and everyone started to laugh. I took this chance and walked out as Jin followed behind.

"Did you have fun?" He asked.

"Fun?! Why the fuck did you leave me there?!? You don't know how much I wanted to kick some of their faces!! And what's with that small kid? He got on my last fucking nerv-" I stopped talking when Jin hit me with his clipboard.

"Watch your mouth! I was hoping the kids could teach you how to be more cute and adorable. Guess that didn't work." Jin sigh and kept walking. I stood there thinking over what he just said. Cute and adorable...?? How the fuck do you expect me to act like that??

"Wait for me outside! I'll be done in a few minutes!" Jin whisper yelled softly before he disappeared into a room. I did as he said and went down to wait for him outside. As I waited I gave a call to Jimin.

"Hello! Kookie, What's up? Are you feeling better? How's Jin-Hyung?" Jimin poured questions at me the second he answered.

"We are fine..."

"So? Why'd you call? That's rare."

"Uhh..Ahem! So..I have to do this experiment and I thought you could help..Ahem! You know how you always act cute and do all those cringy shit I hate. Well..I was thinking..How you do them..? I mean! It's not like I care but it's for an experiment!" I said making up a lie.

"An experiment huh? Is it really?" I bet Jimin was making a cocky smirk while raising his left eyebrow.

"Ugh. Yes, just answer the damn question," I said annoyed.

"Not until you answer my damn question!" He giggle which just made me more infuriated.

"....Jin said he wanted me to be cute and adorable and I have no idea what that even mean?!? He expect me to act like that? Eww..." I said disgusted just by the thought of it.

"I'm hurt! You'd act cute for him and not me?"

"Yah. Park Jimi-"

"YAH! I'm 2 years older than you!!"

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